Find a way to let them out more than once a day. That will take a lot of stress off of them and you. Make it fun for them; be consistent. If you can't meet this basic requirement, then you'd have to consider whether this is the best situation for them and you.
U should let them out every 3 hours and try do one dog at a time because they might not be able to concentrate easley and give them a good telling off when they do it inside and praise them when they do it outside a lot of young dogs when they star turn then do there stuff so when u see them turn run pick them up put them n the grass hop i helped
Tamara74, How old are your dogs? If they are still young, put them in a kennel at night, and let them out first thing in the morning when you get up. Usually, unless they are sick, they won't poop where they have to sleep (or eat). I had a problem like that with a Westhighland White Terrier that I had many years ago...let him sleep in a kennel for a couple of months and he was trianed that he only goes outside. Now, when and if they get sick...all bets are off, especially if you work during the day. Good Luck, I know how frustrating it can be. Janes