My dog is 60 days preggers and has been sick its a clear fluid is it normal before giving birth?


3 Answers

KR- myopinions Profile
KR- myopinions answered
Some dogs get a bit of morning sickness, some dogs clear out their stomach before labor, some don't. If you are concerned it doesn't hurt to call your vet to be sure and may even be a good idea in case you are seeing things that may raise some concern.
If they think labor may be impending can also be your 'on notice' phone call as well. You are within the due period now. Have you been taking her temperature or anything? Has her colostrum maybe come in yet? You did your confirmation at the vet and are certain she is pregnant and not false or that pregnancy 'symptoms' weren't symptoms of something like pyometra ect?
There is more pregnancy and whelping basics information and detailed links for you in the link. You really want to be sure aware of what is normal and what is not and preferably before whelp. Good Luck.
q1679449.html#a2947871 q2722771.html#a3046267
Chloe-louise roberta Profile
I not sure but I think you should get her to the vets!! None of y dogs have done that before! :)

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