
How Do I Know If My Yorkie Has Worms?


2 Answers

KR- myopinions Profile
KR- myopinions answered
Most parasites aren't visible in the stool and scooting is most often a sign they need their anal glands expressed by their vet or groomer. If you see parasites, notice softer stool, weight loss ect. That would make you suspect parasites you would take in a fresh clean stool sample to your veterinarian (not necessary but speeds things up and easier on your pup) and they will take a look and try to identify any microscopic parasites or eggs and give you the right medication in the right dosage for your pup if they are present.   Simple and inexpensive. It's a good idea to do every once in awhile or to have a preventative program set up with your vet.
face book Profile
face book answered
Drags his butt on the carpet because it itches. You find worms in his feces or Sudden weight lost

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