Do I Need To Worm My Puppy?


18 Answers

Wesley Varga Profile
Wesley Varga answered
First...wait till your puppy is 6 weeks old. After the first initial dose you have to wait 10 days for the second dose and then you can give it to him every 30 days for preventive measures. I raise American Bulldogs and Pitbulls and this is how our vet has told us is the most efficient way to do the worming. Hope this helps!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Was the supposed roundworm moving?   If yes, then he has the top sign that he has worms.
Susan Profile
Susan answered
Cattle get shots for worms.... Puppy shots are vaccinations, needed to prevent your dog from contracting horrible and deadly things like Parvo, Distemper and of course Rabies, etc. Standard protocol is first puppy shot at weaning (usually around 6 weeks). This one vaccination does not fully immunize your pup. Pup will need 2 more boosters usually at 3 wk intervals. Then once a year. Puppy wormer is given orally. (pill, powder added to food or paste)
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
Unless your veterinarian has said that the puppy has worms, I wouldn't stress over it right away. It stands to reason that if most puppies are born with them, and most puppies live, then there shouldn't be any immediate concern about them.

If you are terribly concerned you could call the SPCA and ask them if you should have him checked out, or your veterinarian. If he does have them, they might even want you to wait until the puppy is older, that's for them to say. Hope this helps.
Karen Perkins Profile
Karen Perkins answered
Yes. All puppies need worming, otherwise they end up with a bloated stomach. You cannot see the worms until you worm them, that's the point. You can buy worming tablets from the supermarket, pedigree do them, if you don't want a vets bill. But please make sure they are suitable for a pup so young.
PS: Your puppy should not have been separated from it's mother until 8 weeks.
carlos dubois Profile
carlos dubois answered
Being that there are several signs of worms the best thing you should do is carry he or she to a vet, most likely because you are asking this question your puppy most likely has worms. Once the vet gives your dog a check up, you can take over. All you have to do is worm your pup once a month. The first is a good day to set so it becomes routine.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You should, as a breeder, start to worm your pups from 2 weeks old with a vet prescribed medicine NOT off-the-shelf wormers. Typically they should then be wormed monthly until they are 6 months old then it can be cut down to every 2-3 months until you are only having to worm twice a year as an adult dog.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Please call the Vet's office right away. They will tell you the correct information.
Karen Perkins Profile
Karen Perkins answered
Has he had his second lot of injections yet (usually about 2 weeks after the 1st)? Ask your vet then about worming. He will probably do it there and then for you. It doesn't cost much.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Tail chasing, and you can see them in the stool. Take a sample to the vet for testing. It Needs medication.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
ALL puppies are born with worms. ALL OF THEM! I know a vet. All you have to do is get some worm treatment and its fine
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Their nose wont be wet

they will want to be left alone

and they will need to use the restroom a lot
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well ive gt a puppy itS A Rottweiler 3 months old do I need to give him his worming tablet yet
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have two eight week old chihuahuas and I think they have worms....when can I give them worm medicine???
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Thank you for the answer. I 'm just so worried about my lil ms. Stefani. She's a chihua hua mix and she's only 10 and a half weeks old. I thought I saw something in her stool. So I'll just deworm her again. Thank you!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My 10 week puppy has live worms in her stools- they look like bean shoots.
She goes to the toilet a lot & sits down a lot on the cold wooden floor- I have seen her dragging her bottom on the floor twice.
She bites herself--  these are all signs of worms.
When we first bought her home at 8 weeks old- we took her to the vet for her first jab 2 days after we got her & the vet put a wormer on the back of her neck which treated for worms, fleas & other things the vet told us she will need to be re-wormed again every two weeks which was fine- then a week later I started noticing worms in her stool. -
I took her back to the vet, as I didnt think this should of happened?
The vet looked puzzled & said she will need to be put on a stronger wormer & we will need to give it to her once a week- she is currently on this programme for few weeks now & I'm hoping this will work because it is horrible seeing her like this. - she could pass it on to my other dog aswell so needs to be treated quickly

hope this helps
brenda trinka Profile
brenda trinka answered
I never had a litter that had worms, but my sister does.. Take a stool sample to your vet, if you do this right away the stool sample is good, if you are going to be awhile put it in a container or plastic keep it cool so its fresh for the vet to check, he also can take it from the puppie, its better to have a big sample. If it has worms he will treat it and follow up with another stool sample later to see if they are gone. If it does not have worms, no treatment needed. A litter can have worms and not all puppies get them

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