It can take anything up to twenty one days for a chick to hatch out of the egg. Incubation period is crucial to keep the chicks at the right temperature. It is ideal to start raising chickens in the spring. Only with the right set of conditions can the chicken hatch egg and at a minimum of three times a day the egg must be gently turned by hand or 'rotated' in order to prevent the developing embryo from sticking to the inside of the egg.
The temperature that it has to be at is a steady 99.5 degrees, so the best way to do this is by using a thermometer and a hygrometer which measures humidity. So, the ideal scenario is 50% humidity for day 1-18, then 70-80% for the last few remaining days.
Mark the eggs by making a mark with an X and an O on each side to ensure you are turning them correctly and once every 8 hours. Make sure to turn the eggs at least 3 times a day which include weekends. It is also essential that you keep adequate moisture in the incubator at all times as well as a couple of small paper cups containing water in them.
The temperature that it has to be at is a steady 99.5 degrees, so the best way to do this is by using a thermometer and a hygrometer which measures humidity. So, the ideal scenario is 50% humidity for day 1-18, then 70-80% for the last few remaining days.
Mark the eggs by making a mark with an X and an O on each side to ensure you are turning them correctly and once every 8 hours. Make sure to turn the eggs at least 3 times a day which include weekends. It is also essential that you keep adequate moisture in the incubator at all times as well as a couple of small paper cups containing water in them.