
My Dog Is Eating And Drinking But She Falls Over Easy, Walks Like She Is Drunk, Can't Go Up And Down Stairs. When Walking Sometimes She Does The Splits On Slippery Surfaces Or Falls Down Onto Her Knees. She Is About 9 Years Old.?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My dog is almost 13 and she has been doing the same thing for about a year. She is a 3/4 poodle 1/4 CairanTerrior cross. She was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and has been on meds since last July, 2008. She is active and playful still, but has been having trouble on the stairs. We recently cut some towels and made a little runway on the side of each step near the wall for her. She uses it with great success now. Befor , she would get half way up, then stop and fall back down. I asked our vet assistant  about the falling over and sometimes bobbing head. She said it might be a side affect from the meds, an ear infection, a tumor or vestibular desease. She is due for a check up soon, so I am going to get the vet to check her ears first and go from there.  My dog shakes her head quite frequently, so I think it could be an ear problem. I'll  send an update if we discover what it is.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Could be many reasons for your dogs troubles. Ear infection could have her equilibrium off balance. Could be arthritis considering her age. Regardless, you should take her to a vet so they can find out the true problem and she can get some help.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My dog is eating and drinking but he falls over easy, he walks like hes drunk, can't go up and down stairs.  When walking sometimes he does a split on a slippery surfaces or falls down onto his knees or falls over he is 11 yrs old.

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