My Dog Can't Poop. What Can I Do Or Give Her So She Can? I Think She Is In Pain.


16 Answers

Alex Wheeler Profile
Alex Wheeler answered
If your dog is having difficulty defecating it could be due to a multiple of reasons.  If you are the type to feed them scraps from the table, a lot then this will not be doing the dog any good.  Put them on a good quality dog food which should be sufficient in fiber and protein and this should help, you could also add some bran into their food. But, always remember to make sure he has a good supply of clean water at all times especially if they are not well.

If this does not help, try feeding them a few raw vegetables or raw meat. Alternatively you could add some psyllium husks into their meal instead of bran as some dogs tolerate this easier. If this still does not help your dog then you could try the herbal medication aimed at dogs which can cure and even prevent constipation.

One thing to remember though is never to give your dog medication or tablets aimed at humans as dogs have very different digestive systems to us and could cause the dog considerable harm.

The cause of constipation in dogs could be a multiple of things. These could range from dietary habits to more serious conditions. If the methods above do not work or if other symptoms occur such as; vomiting, loss of appetite or lethargy in the dog it is advised to visit your vet immediately as it could be something as serious as a bowel obstruction, tumor, fissure or infection that may need a course of medication or antibiotics to treat, or in the most extreme cases, surgery.

So, if in doubt always consult your vet.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Try to feed her some cod liver oil. Not to much or she my poo herself to death- just a teaspoon or two depending on her size.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My dog is having the same problem right now and I'm scared hes only 9 months old and hes been trying to go for hours now
Courtney Bauman Profile
Courtney Bauman answered
If you can't take your dog to the vet I would use a warm rag and put it on its butt to help make it poop
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Give your dog a lot of water and if it continues take him or her to the vet. Also try and keep him or her in the yard because if they are inside they might poop inside, because they can't help it. You can also put a warm cloth on his or her butt to help them poop or give them cod liver oil, but not to much.Hope this helps.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This dog needs to be examined by a veterinarian.  There are many reasons why dogs have abdominal pain.  Constipation is possible but much more common in cats.  Foreign body obstructions are common in dogs.  This happens when dogs eat things like socks, toys, or rocks and they become stuck in the intestines.  Pancreatitis--often caused by eating a high fat meal or getting in to the garbage--is another fairly common cause of abdominal pain.
When dogs stop drinking they become dehydrated which makes them feel worse. 
Your veterinarian will do a thorough exam, assess pain, take x-rays, and do blood work if appropriate. 
Melissa Williams Profile
My dog had the same problem about a year ago! You need to take him to the vet IMMEDIATELY... I don't want to scare you but it's so urgent that your little buddy could die... At least, that was my experience... It's better to be safe then sorry!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Take the dog to a vet ,not meaning to sound mean ,my dog had the same problem ,she ate a bone ,and it did not digest right had to have x-rays to show it ,vet said she could have died from it ,
Patricia Welker Profile
Patricia Welker answered
For the fastest relief, try Hair Ball Remedy for cats. It is petroleum based with sweet flavoring. Both my cats and my dogs like it, and it is no struggle to administer.  My dog became better in a matter of days.
It's available in most retail stores. The cost is minimal.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hold the tail up and gently squeeze around the anal area. This will retract the anus and will help the stool to move outwards. Be gentle and take it slowly at first (Obviously your dog will not appreciate it very much.) Hopefully some gas pressure will also be expelled in the process. If the dog cannot poop on its own, the dog will need a trip to the vet as soon as possible, or your dog could become severely ill.
angie Profile
angie answered
A lot of people recommend canned pumpkin.  It loosens up the stool so it is easier for them to go.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have a taco bell dog and he has been crying for the last hour and a half with out going poop what do I do?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have an 8 week old chiguagua  puppy he eats moist dog food and puppy milk but can't poop. What can I do to help him? Its been tow days know.

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