What Do I Do If My Hamsters Nails Are Too Long?


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Put a rock in its cage where it can walk on it and naturally file them down.
Vanessa Beatrix Profile
Vanessa Beatrix answered
You don't need to take it to the vet when hamsters' nail are too long, only when there curl,plus if it's curl, you don't need to take it to the vet right away,left it in it's cage and check it after a few days,maybe it will use the hamster tooth eater to make it shorter,and if your hamster is a baby hamster,don't be afraid,when it's bigger,they will be straight ad short.
Thanks for reading!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Go to a vet and get them to gently clip them...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You have to clip them, use nail clippers, you also have to clip the teeth, because they too keep growing and growing..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yh but what if its a hiperactive hamster uu carnt cut them uu take them to a vet they put it to sleep and cut them and wake it up easy done than easy heard lol

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