
My Hamsters Teeth Are Too Long And My Sister Said They Would Grow Into Her Head. Is This True?


8 Answers

Dianne Allen Profile
Dianne Allen answered
No - her teeth will not grow into her head but theu can be too long to eat with anymore and they can starve. Make sure there is some wood or stone in the cage so they can trim their teeth. A vet told us before that we can trim them with nail clippers but we chose to take her to the vet and let him do it.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
We used to give our hamsters Milk Bone dog biscuits. They love to gnaw on them, it keeps their teeth trimmed, and it's a good source of calcium for them.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No. A hamster's teeth will only grow up to the roof of their mouth. You could buy some sticks to keep it trimmed or you could take it the vet and have the vet cut it.
michelle mayne Profile
michelle mayne answered
No, it is not true buy a special stone from pet store that it can grind its teeth on some pet stores have flavoured stones that hamsters like to bite on.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
no it IS true - the roots (rather than the crowns) of the hamsters cheek teeth (premolars and molars) grow upwards into the maxilla and put pressure on various tissues. However, this is unusual. and does not apply to the incisors. if the incisors are too long, get your vet to clip them.
Aspen Baker Profile
Aspen Baker answered
I think it's not nessisarly true but if they are to long the hamster won't eat and starve so if you think they are over 3 centimeters, TAKE THEM TO A VET SO THEY CAN TRIM THEIR TEETH!!!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have the same problem! I took her to the vet and he cut her tooth off with sissors, and cut the side of her lip on accident! I'm scared to take her back because she was really scared and hurt from her lip. And now I kinda think they fell out because when I open her mouth her lips har completly covering them, I'm scard though that her lips got in the way and her tooth grew threw her lip, but she eats drinks stuffs her pouches and seem normal and happy. Plus if her teeth did fall out or something, then its ok because she still eats and stuf, plus I don't want to take her to the vet unless I have to, because just for them to look its $45 and if they cut the teeth its like $20 extra. And its the only vet I know...

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