Yes. Nearing the day of the birth, the mother will start to look anxious. She will start to make squeaking noises, and you might see blood in the shavings. She will usually do a good job of cleaning the area, and you might see her eating something bloody, which should be the placenta. She will also lick the babies when they are born.
Do not touch the mother or the cage once she starts to give birth. If you do this, she will get scared and eat her babies. Make sure the male is removed from the cage, and also remove the water tray and leave a water bottle for the mother. Don't touch the cage, mother, or babies till they open their eyes.
Keep the mother well fed, and put the cage in a quiet place away from drafts so that she does not get cold.
Do not touch the mother or the cage once she starts to give birth. If you do this, she will get scared and eat her babies. Make sure the male is removed from the cage, and also remove the water tray and leave a water bottle for the mother. Don't touch the cage, mother, or babies till they open their eyes.
Keep the mother well fed, and put the cage in a quiet place away from drafts so that she does not get cold.