My Dog Got Bit By A Wolf Spider, Could It Hurt Her?


7 Answers

Joe Gilbert Profile
Joe Gilbert answered
Generally speaking, wolf spider venom is not powerful enough to seriously hurt your dog. However, it is imperative that you are sure what kind of spider it was. If possible, it is best to capture the spider so that it can be positively identified. Otherwise, identification will need to be done through the symptoms of the poison. Most spiders in the UK are less venomous than spiders elsewhere in the world. There are only a few species of spiders that are dangerous and are generally not native to the UK. Spiders that are dangerous to canines are generally not native to the UK and have arrived either in cargo containers or as exotic pets.

The widow spiders, such as the infamous American Black Widow, have neurotoxin venom. The venom can cause muscles to cramp for long periods of time and may include the diaphragm. This will cause rapid, shallow breathing and can lead to death. The Brown Recluse and Hobo Spiders have necrotic venom. This means that the venom affects the cellular structure around the bite, but it can spread further into the body. The bite itself will develop a cyst with a white ring around it, giving it a characteristic "bulls-eye” appearance.

Most other spiders will leave a red welt on the skin that may itch. Generally symptoms will start to show from 30 minutes to six hours after the bite. An ice pack can help reduce the spread of venom. Also keep an eye on the bite itself, as it can become infected and cause a different rash of problems. It is possible, however, for your dog to have an allergic reaction so if the symptoms worsen take your dog to a veterinarian.

If the dog is behaving unusually, you can also contact an Emergency Animal Clinic. They generally will not charge for phone calls and can give advice including the administration of small doses of Benadryl.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Wolf spiders are poisonous but not lethal. It is very unlikely that the bite would seriously hurt your dog, however, I'd keep an eye on it. The bite could swell and/or get infected. If it does call a vet and they'll probably put some kind of ointment on it. The only thing you really have to worry about is the wound itself. The venom is not lethal enough to hurt him. Your dog will be fine :)
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Not lethal to humans. DEADLY TO DOGS AND CATS!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous commented
But interestingly, if you are a cat or a dog, and you happen to get bitten by a Wolf Spider, you could be dead within half an hour!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I wouldn't worry to much about wolf spiders.... Keep an eye on the bite make sure it's clean a little antibiotic ointment wouldn't be a bad idea. If it starts to swell give the dog a small child dose of benadryl. If swelling continues or you dog starts acting unusual get to a vet.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Wolf Spiders envenomation works the same with humans as it does in canines.

Older people / Older dogs however might react more severely to a bite.

People / Dogs with an allergic reaction might react more severely to a bite.

People / Dogs with weakened immune systems or auto immune disorders will react more severely to a bite.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm sad to say if your dog is under 20 pounds or is a sick dog with worms then the bit to your dog can be faitel  if not make your dog very sick. At  the same time if your dog was bitten on any area where the fur grows then your dog will have the same effects as a human would. Witch would cause the dog to scratch the area and be very painful. So keep the dog from scratching it to help prevent the venom  from spreading.
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
I think you should call the vet to find out for sure, as they would know best, and will be able to direct you for proper care of the bite. Hope this helps, good luck.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know what to do bring him in to the vet or see how he is in the next few days. Can someone please help he is biting the puncture mark in which we think the spider gave him.
He keeps on trying to bite the puncture mark and I could tell he is is  some type of pain.
He growls at me everytime I try to look at it. I have seen several spiders in my house over the past few months and we have compared the spiders we saw on the internet to the spiders in the house and it looks like a brown recluse but the reaction my dog is getting could possibly be one. Either that or its like a wolf spider!

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