answered question
Wolf spiders are poisonous but not lethal. It is very unlikely that the bite would seriously hurt your dog, however, I'd keep an eye on it. The bite could swell and/or get infected. If it does call a vet and they'll probably put some kind of ointment on it. The only thing you really have to … Read more
answered question
Don't worry about it. I've had this type of turtle before. They don't bask as much as other turtles and prefer to hide in the water.    He'll be fine, just leave the option open for him to bask. He knows if he needs it and he won't let his own shell get soft. Also, it's possible that … Read more
answered question
Turtles shells do shed occasionally. I had one that suddenly started losing bits of his shell but he was perfectly healthy. What does the shell underneath look like? If the shell, where the pieces came from, seems hard and normal it's just a natural shedding process. If it's soft or revealing skin then I would seek veterinary help … Read more
answered question
If the fish was acting normal then I'd say it is type of goldfish who naturally has a bubble on it's head and it's quite possible that the fish was so young as to not yet develop a noticeable bubble. However, thinning fins and sitting on the bottom isn't a good sign for a goldfish. … Read more
answered question
You can tell a fish's age by counting the rings in the otoliths, a type of bone in the fish's head, however to do this you'll need a microscope and a dead fish. As far as I'm aware, there is no way to tell the age of a fish for sure while it's still alive. … Read more
answered question
Determining the sex of hamsters can be hard especially if the hamsters are young or are all of one gender. (Testicles are only noticeable at about 4 weeks of age and they can be retracted) However, the genital opening of the male hamster is farther away from the butt, almost in the position where you'd expect his … Read more