Why Is My Male Cat Humping My Blankets?


16 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Does he also suckle on the blankets when he kneads? From my experience with cats, I would bet that your cat may have been taken away from his mother too soon, or was a bottle fed orphan, and this is why he still suckles like a kitten or kneads the blankets like he is pressing against a mothers belly for milk. It is a comforting thing for him to do. Totally harmless, but if he is humping while he is doing this, then I have to ask if he has been neutered. If not, then this could be breeding behavior and he is just "in the mood". Nothing to worry about. Just a way for your cat to comfort himself.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My cat is doin it right now, on a blanket I have over me. It's just a physiological need they have, just like us humans. It's not smelly and won't leave any marks. If you don't like him doin it on your blankets, find him a fuzzy one and try to keep it at his reach so he can use it anytime he wants. It won't harm you neither your kids. Just like you don't harm them when you're doin' it...
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Haha... I just smelled the blanket that my cat "favors." It smells like cat spray and I have to wash it on a weekly bases, even though he is the only one who seems to use it. And yes, he has been neutered. He is 9 years old and he has been fixed for well over 8 of those years. I used to try to get him to stop, but he would growl and hiss at me. He takes the blanket in his mouth and purrs loudly as he humps. It's sick. He always seems to stare at me while he's doing it too!
Sarah Alberton Profile
Sarah Alberton answered
Although your cat's hormones are "taken care of", there are still some reflexive signals coming from his brain. Although he might seem like he is taking pleasure from humping, odds are he doesn't know what's going on either, or he would be looking for a female companion. Don't worry, this behavior is very common in male cats. Don't be grossed out, but feels like he needs to hump much like clawless cats feel like they need to scatch on things. Get him a stuffed animal or a blanket and put it in a special place where he will be able to exercise his need. (you might want to try somewhere where you can't see him). Don't give up on him! Often male cats given lots of attention and love will get over this habit, or at least do it less often.
Good luck!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They may attack or growl/hiss if your near because they fear you will take away their "mate" like you hear about animals, they fight for the female and the alpha male does his thing.

Its perfectly normal but if you find it annoying don't blame the cat, its instinct just buy him a fuzzy stuffed animal and place it somewhere suitable for him when the need arises.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My cat also does this...He looks up at you with a creepy look too. He is not yet a year old and he is neutered but he sure loves to hump the soft blankets...I just think he is a weirdo!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I always joke that my cat is trying to make baby blankets.  He's doing it right now, in fact.
There's no problem, no stress.  He's very happy in a good home.   So quite frankly, they do it because it feels good.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It's his natural sexual urges and personally I think it's fine just to leave him be when he does this.  Maybe move him to a specific area in your home if you don't like him to be near you when it happens.  Unfortunately, my cat likes to try and mate with my bare arm.  It's very bizarre.  I just hiss a lot and toss him off.
Beckie Lett Profile
Beckie Lett answered
Hi, I work in a Veterinary Surgery and I would advise if you are unsure whether he is 'fixed' or not then you should take him to the Vets and double-check he is definitely 'fixed', otherwise if you let him out he is able to 'sew his wild oats' and you may not want that to be happening as male's can get rather boisterous after they have and then are 'fixed'.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My cat does the same exact thing!!!! He kneads my fluffy blanket, bites it,  meows weird, and than he comes running to me to try and bite me. I'm so confused!!!! He's neutered too. I love him, he's the cutest
Molly Elliott Profile
Molly Elliott answered
Oh my, I am so glad I found this page. My male neutered cat is about 14 and has just started doing this at night when I am sitting in bed reading. At first I thought it was just kneading and he wanted attention but he would snap at me and growl/meow loudly. I found it very very disturbing!  He has his own soft blanket at the end of my bed but usually just kneads a minute and then lies down to sleep. I may try the stuffed toy because I never get to just sit and pet him anymore. I hate it!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
@Warrior and Malysa.... As a long time cat owner myself, I do not believe in any surgery that is unnecessary including but not limited to de-clawing and neuter/spaying when they are strictly home bound. Unless the behaviour of the cat becomes impossible to control any other way, I truly do not favor "fixing" your cat. HOWEVER there are instances where it is healthy for the cat, and I've noticed it is especially helpful with female kitties who have hard time with her "time of the month" or males that are too aggressive. It is more favorable to do when there are small children or the elderly in the building, as well. I only support people who de-claw their cats when there more at-risk peoples involved, especially the elderly. The surgery performed on cats has become MUCH MUCH MUCH more humane in recent years, so getting the procedures done is far less "barbaric" than when the practice first came about. Just remember that taking your cats man/woman-hood affects them in much the same way it would you or I, and that taking their claws off is like taking the top knuckles of your fingers off. Yes you still have hands, but they can't be used nearly as well as they should be. With proper  care and handling, every cat has the potential to make a wonderful house mate. I just didn't want anyone thinking one way is better than the other. It comes down to personal preference. There /are/ too many strays in the world(around 50 million estimated by the Humane Society of the US), but that doesn't mean you have to take your buddy's nature away from him. Trap-neuter-return is a great way to stop overpopulation in your community, and the HSUS has great information and resources (even financial aid) for those looking to give their outside kitty neighbors a better life. Giving him/her the love, health, and safety they deserve is well enough for them. :)

On a more related note.. My male cat grabs my blankets and has his way with them (and often my leg or my boyfriends) all the time. He's just having his fun. It often doesn't take long and he'll be off playing again in no time. I want  to try and get him a stuffie, though. Gets kind of annoying, and the look in his eye gets creepy from time to time, haha!
Chloe Audrey Profile
Chloe Audrey answered

Its In Their Nature or Your cat is bored, frustrated. Cats have needs, too. You should need to put extra protection for your  pet

brooke mattson Profile
brooke mattson answered
I don't want to sound gross but it could be two things 1-the smell from sexual intercourse or 2- smell from your menstrual cycle, if you still currently do both. I have had that happen to me in the past.
thanked the writer.
Kitty Kaat
Kitty Kaat commented
i do not have monthly menses, as for the intercourse....how would that affect a cats "horniness"? He masterbates himself where I have not had intercourse as well. Would all that affect him even if he is neutered?
Anonymous commented
Cats have needs, too. He's not being "bad". I've noticed that vets claim the cat needs attention, but this is nonsense. I have a cat who does this and does not like to be distracted while he's doing in. I just ignore him while he's "at it" because eventually he lies down and goes to sleep. While some people find this sort of thing disagreeable, I figure it's a concession I make to a little soul I've adopted who's fulfilling a harmless urge that makes him feel good.
Veronica Young Profile
Veronica Young answered
The best way to stop this is by getting him fixed, if you choose not to do that it is just a natural thing male and female cats seem to do especially during the spring, which is their heat season
fred gullett Profile
fred gullett answered
Hims horny, you might want to flip out on him, to beak him of it. And give him a stuffed animal that likes to hump.
Warrior Princess Profile
Wow, look at all the 'get him fixed' people. Ouchie!

I know the arguments about getting male and female animals fixed, but we use these nice terms to describe these barbaric acts. You know, a nice term makes mean and violent things seem respectable, like, um, 'putting them to sleep'. That means to kill them. No, really.

Getting a male animal fixed means to rip off his man-stuff and getting a female animal fixed means to tear out her girl-stuff. Okay, let's let a medical professional dismember them so we don't have to di it ourselves. That makes it all better, right?

So, all the barbarism aside, if you have a real cat - you know, a fully 100% whole cat, and he is humping stuff, like your leg or otherwise, then bless you for not having had him needlessly butchered. Bless you and bless your manly, studly, macho man-cat. Go forth proudly together. Revel in your own wholeness and in his.

Do not surgically destroy a guy just because he acts like a guy. Please. Just don't.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Ok. I'm sorry to say that this is a bit outrageous. Most of the time when animals
Anonymous commented
Ok. I'm sorry to say that this
is a bit outrageous. Animal owners fix animals for many reasons...like when the animal marking it's territory is getting out of hand, endless howling, becoming overly territorial, etc. Most of
the time when animals get fixed, it's because the owner does not want them reproducing. Do you know how many strays there are in the world?

I just want to say, thank you pet owners that are considerate enough to fix your animals so we don't have more strays in this world.

A Previous Humane Society Worker

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