If they are newborn kittens, any kind of flea shampoo can harm them, and maybe even kill them. The only safe way to rid the kittens of fleas is to wash them in warm water and or pick off fleas one by one with tweezers. Be careful not to pinch the kitten's skin with the tweezers as this can obviously hurt them. Look on the belly and under leg indents for fleas as they tend to hide in these areas. This is not a permanent resolution but it will help. Unless a vet tells you otherwise do not use any flea products on them as it can be a risk to the health of the kittens. The same can be said for the mother as the kittens nurse off of her. So whatever you put on the mother or give her will be passed onto the baby kittens.
Flea is the common name for insects from the order Siphonaptera which are wingless insects with mouthparts adapted for piercing skin and sucking blood. Fleas are external parasites, living by hematophagy off the blood of mammals including bats and humans as well as birds.
One of the most abundant and widespread species of flea on Earth is the cat flea. The cat flea's primary host is the domestic cat, but this is also the primary flea infesting dogs in most of the world. The cat flea can also maintain its life cycle on other carnivores. Humans can be bitten but cannot be infested, so a population of cat fleas cannot be sustained by this aberrant host.
A few fleas on adult dogs or cats cause little harm unless the host becomes allergic to substances in saliva. The disease that results is called flea allergy dermatitis. Small animals with large infestations can lose enough bodily fluid to fleas feeding, that dehydration may result. Fleas are also responsible for disease transmission through humans. If the fleas have been sucking blood, then they will have a reddish-brown colour when squashed.
Flea is the common name for insects from the order Siphonaptera which are wingless insects with mouthparts adapted for piercing skin and sucking blood. Fleas are external parasites, living by hematophagy off the blood of mammals including bats and humans as well as birds.
One of the most abundant and widespread species of flea on Earth is the cat flea. The cat flea's primary host is the domestic cat, but this is also the primary flea infesting dogs in most of the world. The cat flea can also maintain its life cycle on other carnivores. Humans can be bitten but cannot be infested, so a population of cat fleas cannot be sustained by this aberrant host.
A few fleas on adult dogs or cats cause little harm unless the host becomes allergic to substances in saliva. The disease that results is called flea allergy dermatitis. Small animals with large infestations can lose enough bodily fluid to fleas feeding, that dehydration may result. Fleas are also responsible for disease transmission through humans. If the fleas have been sucking blood, then they will have a reddish-brown colour when squashed.