
My Dog Has Missing Fur On His Chest And Patches On His Back What Could This Be?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Dermal parasites are a common cause of hair loss in dogs. These could be fleas, mites, ringworm, or less common dermal parasites. Allergies are a common cause of skin issues and hair loss in dogs. Often the hair loss is due to the dog's itching and scratching or secondary bacterial infections. Superficial bacteria and yeast infections can also cause hair loss. Behavioral problems can also lead a dog to overgroom and pull its hair out.
This dog needs to be examined by a veterinarian for diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My dog just started pulling his fur out ,and acting like he was crazy yesterday,I thought maybe some thing bit him and looked and there is a small red area.if a spider or mosquito bit him will peroxide help him?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Loss of fur in dogs is always due to underlying cause. That is why, diagnosis of cause is necessary for successful treatment. Following are common causes.

1. Allergy to flea, pollens, molds, and foods
2. Scabies
3. Lice infestation
4. Ringworm infection
5. Cushing's disease
6. Endocrine diseases due to hormonal imbalances
7. Autoimmune skin diseases
8. Almost all skin diseases

So, you should take your dog to vet for proper diagnosis and treatment of hair loss of your dog.

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