My dog has a little red spot on its neck and it doesnt have hair on it. Why?
It can not be told what actually your dog is having without physical examination because many conditions can cause hair loss and bumps on the neck of your dog. These are allergy to flea, pollens, molds, and foods, scabies, Cheyletiella or lice , pyoderma, ringworm infection, Cushing's disease, endocrine diseases, autoimmune skin diseases and almost all skin diseases.
Hair loss in dogs can be due to some underlying cause, so, it should not be ignored and visit to vet is necessary.
Hair loss in dogs can be due to some underlying cause, so, it should not be ignored and visit to vet is necessary.
My dog is losing hair on his neck has one red bump? Hes 15 and on tussigon for cough and pain. This is new he never lost hair before he is allegic to fleas, has been for 13 years.
I am thinking that maybe your dog has atopic dermatitis or atopy
either search it on the web or go to the following website:
hope this helped!
either search it on the web or go to the following website:
hope this helped!
My blood hound is lossing hair under his neck and has red spots on inside of his legs my vet gave me ketoconazole when will I see improvement
My pug puppy has the same thing. My vet said it was an allergy and said to give him benadryl also wash him with baby shampoo, leave it on for 5 min and rinse.