My black labrador/german shephard mixed puppy has a red bump on his belly button. Any ideas?


2 Answers

Eleanor jones Profile
Eleanor jones answered
Jackeline, I wonder why you ask if this is a trick question. Of course it is not a trick question. To say that dogs do not have belly buttons (an umbilicus)  is totally wrong. . How do you think they receive their nutrients in the womb. In the same way as we do of course.
thanked the writer.
Jackeline commented
Yes Eleanor I know they have an umbillicus, but when they are born, all they have is a very minute scar, no belly button . My brother is a vet, that is why I know .
Eleanor jones
Eleanor jones commented
I repeat that its not true to state ,as you did ,that dogs do not have belly buttons because ALLmammals do. At birth the dam bites off the cord up to a couple of inch or so of the pups abdomen,leaving a prominent .belly button or umbilicus (same) which shrivels within days like ours does. Vets in fact often use terms like "from the belly button down "when discussing an area of a dogs belly. You now say u know they have an umbilicus but that IS a belly button and it is NOT minute at birth
Jackeline Profile
Jackeline answered
Is this a trick question ?  Dogs do not have belly buttons .  If you are referring to a nipple or aureole it could be  an infection , so best have your puppy seen by a vet .

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