
My Dog Keeps Throwing Up Bile And Runny Poop, Can You Help?


8 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Diarrhea and vomiting is always a concern with dogs. Usually, this is caused by something like getting into the trash, or an infection of some sort. Vomiting and diarrhea together can result in dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, blood sugar depletion, and death if not cured quickly. It can be caused by many infections, bacteria, fungi, and parasites.

The best way to handle this is to treat the dog at home for 24-36 hours, and if no improvement happens, take it to the vet. Usually when this is caused by eating something that didn't agree with the stomach, all that is needed is for the stomach to empty out completely.

To do this, keep the dog away from food for 24 hours (8-12 hours if it is very young or old). During this time, make sure the dog has access to clean water, and if it does not drink itself, then give it tablespoons into it's mouth every hour or so. After the specified time, give it a small meal of boiled chicken and rice as it is easy to digest. Follow up with more water, and meals over the next day till the dog's stool goes back to its normal consistency. If the diarrhea or vomiting restarts, start the whole process again.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If your dog is vomiting bile you should take its dog food away and begin to feed a bland diet... Usually boiled chicken and white rice or boiled hamburger and white rice are good options.  I wouldn't recommend feeding it anything for a few hours though.  Feed the bland diet for 24 to 48 hours and then slowly begin adding dog food again.  Continue to mix dog food into bland diet slowly increasing amount of dog food while decreasing amount of chicken and rice over the next few days.  Also- sometimes some brands of dog food are richer(higher in fat) than others and that sometimes can be upsetting to your dogs stomach.  If your dog continues to vomit I would strongly advise you to take it to your veterinarian-good luck!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Both diarrhea and vomiting can be diet  or disease related. Among dietary factors over eating, eating rapidly, exercise after taking meals, food allergies, changes in diet, eating of grass or garbage etc are common.

Other conditions like parvo, colitis,
intestinal parasites, intestinal and gastric tumors, liver disease, kidney disease, adrenal gland disease, heat stroke, middle ear infections, and some psychological disorders can cause vomiting and runny poops. In my opinion, your dog requires differential diagnosis for proper diagnosis and treatment. So, take your dog to vet.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My dog has been vomiting white bile.  Do you have any idea what could be causing the problem?  Could it be food related since she does not vomit regularly?
lynette d Profile
lynette d answered
Slimy stuff?she might have kennel cough. Go to the vet, sooner the better...oh, your dog may choke up foamy gunk and choke a lot. It could be just
something caught inside it's throat or chest and is trying to get it
out but just getting bile. Best to see your Vet. Hope this helps x
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If the dog is very weak than I would call the vet ASAP. When animals get sick and begin to get weak or start shaking, or acting out of sorts is a sign the dog could be in distress.

Please get him to your vet. Good luck to you both.
Stephanie Profile
Stephanie answered
Your dogs belly is empty either he/she threw up all the food that was in there or isn't eating try giving him/her fresh food and water. If your dog is still not eating tomorrow take them to the vet
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My puppy has the same problem :(
He won't eat or drink n I'm scared its PAVLOV disease cause his brother recently died due to it, and its extremely contagiouss

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