
Why Does My Dogs Throw Up Smell Like Poop?


6 Answers

Amanda Profile
Amanda answered
It's because the same gastric juices used for digestion in the stomach are present in feces. If your dog throws up frequently and for no apparent reason I would at least call your vet if you can't take him/her in.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

It means the dog ate its own poop and dug it out of the trash,  because my dog just throwed up something that looked like poop.  Might be a plastic plate or something came from the box. πŸΊπŸ•

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ok well first of all dogs tend to only throw up when they eat something bad... And also dogs eat there poop a lot it is a natural thing so probably what happened was the dog ate something bad and then ate the poop and by the time the bad thing was in the dog's stomach his body had to throw it up so the poop went with it...Hope This Helps!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My dog has thrown up 3 times this evening. It started out looking like foam, but changed to a brown liquid that smells like poo. I know he has not eaten anything he should not because he was indoors all day with me. I see on the internet that this is somewhat common. My question is what are the common causes and does it require treatment?

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