
What Age Do Female Yorkies Get There Period?


6 Answers

Tee Jay Profile
Tee Jay answered
I have Yorkies.

My females would start their FIRST heat between 11-13 months.  THEY will smell the onset of heat up to 2 weeks before signs.  After this it is every 6 months.

Signs of heat?  Swelling of the vulva.  They will spot a bit so I would recommend a diaper.  KEEP THEM AWAY from male dogs for up to 21 days.  Females are more prone to attacks from "potential males in the neighborhood" so keep her in your safe arms when outside.

I have a lot of information on Yorkies at:

Please feel free to come in and learn more!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Usually around 6months sometimes a little later, they come in heat about 2 times a year. Watch for a discharge than bleeding, there will be some smell at first too!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
She's having her period!!!
Sarah jessica Profile
Sarah jessica answered
In accordance with my knowledge, yorkie terriers get their periods when they reach the adolescent age of around eight to ten years. You can verify this with a vet.
helen baillie-gutteridge Profile
I think biostudent mis typed years for months. However - small dogs mature quicker than large ones so she could have her first season at 6 months.
Dazed does not really describe a bitch in season, she sounds like she may have eaten something she shouldn't have. Won't your vet take payment in instalments?

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