My 8 Year Old Dog Has Been Vomiting Greenish Looking Foamy Stuff. She Won't Eat Or Drink. She Loves To Chew Up Paper Towels And This Morning I Think She May Have Gotten Clorox Wipe Out Of The Garbage. What Can I Do For Her?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Your dog needs to be examined by a veterinarian.  I would be concerned the clorox wipe is causing the vomiting or may have become obstructed in the intestinal tract.  The clorox wipe could cause damage to the mucosa along the esophageal and gastric lining.  Your veterinarian will do a thorough examination, run some bloodwork, and take x-rays.  There is nothing you can do at home as your dog will vomit any treatment or fluids you give her.

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