My Cat's Rectum Is Hanging Out Of His Butt. Can You Help?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Why is my cat's anus hanging out of his butt?

Rectal prolapses can develop into a serious problem. This rectal tissue is not supposed to be exposed to the outside environment. It can become dried out, infected, and if severe enough necrotic (dead or dying tissue).

Your veterinarian can help to replace the prolapse, and discuss ways to prevent this in the future.

Sometimes surgical correction is needed to prevent the prolapse from recurring.

  • Anal prolapses in cats can become a serious problem, so you'll have to take your pet down to the nearest veterinary practice as soon as possible.
  • This condition will cause your cat a lot of discomfort and pain.
  • Numerous conditions can cause anal prolapses in cats. To get to the bottom (excuse the pun) of this problem, you'll have to take your cat to the vet - who can carry out a much more detailed investigation of the problem.
  • Anal prolapses are an issue that will only get worse over time if nothing is done to tackle the root problem immediately.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Sounds like severe constipation and/or other health problems. See a vet or get brave and put on a glove, then stick your finger in some Vaseline and push it back in.

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