I Have A 16 Weeks Old Boston Terrier. She Is EXTREMELY Scared Of Me But Loves My Wife! Can't Go Near Her Without Her Pooping, Peeing, Hiding From Me Everywhere FEAR! What Can I Do To Ease Her Fear?!


6 Answers

Shumaila Sadia Profile
Shumaila Sadia answered
She might have the phobia of men.You don't have to get worry about her,.Its seems a psychological disorders. She might have seen his master doing such odd behavior with her, that caused her to avoid you. You can condition her in a way that to give her incentive what she likes and prefers. Later when she got conditioned she can even come to you without incentive try this . Hopefully it will help you out.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Be patient and slowly gain her trust. Have your wife hold her and you slowly come up and pet her and get her to realize that you are not going to hurt her.
Penny Kay Profile
Penny Kay answered
It is possible that the dog has been mistreated by a man, or large boy. Let your wife hold the dog and try giving the dog tiny pieces of meat or doggie treats. Gradually as the dog feels safer around you, I think this will change. He will come to accept you as the 'Alpha' of your little 'pack'.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Who feeds the dog? If its your wife, she should stop and let you feed the dog for a while. Plays games where you give her a treats when she comes to you. Let her come to you. You also should be the first to greet her when you both come's home, your wife she greet her secondly.  You should make it a bigger deal then your wife  does. I'm no dog expert and I have a cat that does the same to my adult son. But she hisses  and growls at him. Why I do not know why, My son was friends of the guy we got the kitten from so she was around my son from birth. Take it slowly but be consistence with the food feeding and she will come around. Or try a dog obedience class. I feed, bath, shop for food, change cat litter and take our dogs and cats to the vets plus buried all my dead animals myself.  I have a husband and grown son but it is me who takes care of our pets. The only break I get is when I go away for two weeks out of the year. Thats when my cat has to get along with my son. Maybe you people also are not really animals lovers. If its not working out for you both find someone who will get along with her. Please, if you must get rid of her bring her to a non-kill organization.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If a puppy is acting that way this will be easy for you! Everyday have your wife sit down in the floor and hold her...you need to sit down and have soft puppy treats (or whatever kind she likes) in your hand. Talk very soft and move very slow towards her...just let her know your not that man that hurt her. She will eventually grow to understand. My mom rescues animals all the time and we are from a very small town in Oklahoma. Once we got a full blood doberman and she was VERY scared and protective of kids...It took awhile for her to understand but it will all be okay...she will learn to love you. Don't ever yell at her or get on to her let your wife.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Just be patient! We had the same situation with our boston. We got him when he was 5 months old and he was afraid of everyone but me. I got him for my husband but we had the same problem. Bj is now 1 1/2 and has finally come around with all the family. He is still leary of new people but getting better. They say bostons don't really come out of their shell until they are a year old. This is the second one we have had and I agree! Just be patient and she will come around. Just keep trying and let your wife discipline her if you do it she will just be standoffish even longer! Good luck and hang in there. When your little girl grows up you will be the best of pals I'm sure.

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