MY Dog Is Chewing His Rear And He Keeps Twitching His Legs While Lying Down. He Is Awake During This, Can Someone Explain This To Me?


11 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My dogs hind leg has started twitching...having spasms; almost like a full on donkey kick!  When he stands up, he is "air scratching" with that same leg.  He keeps licking his leg and is laying by me giving me worried looks, so it is clearly bothering him. What do you think this could be?  I am worried, but our vet is closed right now.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The chewing signals discomfort--this may be due to skin allergies, dermal parasites (mites, ringworm, fleas), or a hot spot (area of severe, moist dermatitis).  It is best to have this looked at by a veterinarian to find the source of the problem so it can be treated appropriately.  Oral or topical steroids may be used but injectable steroids are not a treatment of choice for any condition.  Once you inject almost anything you can't "take it back" so if your dog has a problem with the injection it's done more harm than good.  Most injectable steroids are far more potent then what is needed and do more harm to the liver.
The twitching may reflect the discomfort your dog is feeling.  The other possibility is that he is experiencing discomfort due to a neurological problem.  Neurological issues can lead to hyperesthesia (increased pain sensation) causing them to chew.  Have your veterinarian do a full neurological exam.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My dog is having the same issue.  It started with biting and scratching and now the twitching.  My Vet already examined him and found no evidence of fleas,  etc.,  He prescribed an antihistamine and fish oil supplements but they are not working.  The leg twitching is still happening.  I'm going back to the vet as I believe this may be neurological.  He has been previously diagnosed with Lyme disease and another tick borne disease previously referred to as diagnosed (ana plasma I think is the new term) .
We lost our 12 year old lab to this disease several years ago and I'm not taking any chances this time around.  I'm going to get the c-6 Blood test again and a complete urinalysis worked up.  He never had these symptoms/twitches until recently so I know this is not the norm for him.
Bo Cain Profile
Bo Cain answered
It probably started by fleas or a bug bite but know it is a hotspot that just drives him crazy . Try putting hydrocortisone cream on it so he will stop chewing at it and it can heal. If it heals up he should stop messing with that spot. However this obsessive behavior, so getting him to stop chewing at it is easier said than done, but the cream should help.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My partner and I just got a new puppy from our local animal shelter, she was fine the first 2 weeks we had her then her back right leg started to twitch. We watched it get worse over the next 5 days then took her to the vet he said it could be canine distemper, or liver failure. She doesnt have any signs of any other discomfort, besides her twitching. It makes her uncomfortable and she wont sit still. Its really starting to worry us because the doctors advice is no help. He gave us antibiotics and a muscle relaxer. The muscle relaxer is the only thing that seems to tone the twitching down. We don't know what else to do the tests for all these different diseases are so expensive. :(
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Y0ur dog also might have parasites (worms) that are making him uncomfortable.  Check out a regular veterinarian or a
homeopathic veterinarian.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm really scared my dog is like laying there twitching and his leg pops out and it shakes a lot I don't know what to do
terry rossignol Profile
terry rossignol answered
It sounds like he is having symptoms of hot spots!!!! You can give him some benadryl for the chewing!!! It stops the itching!! You might need to go to the vet to get a cortisone shot and this will really help too!! The twitching is just spasiums. Good luck!!! Oh you can put hydrocortisone cream on him too!!! It will relieve him from the itchys!!!!
Jillian Rose Profile
Jillian Rose answered
Your dog may have a dry patch, try using an oatmeal shampoo when you bathe him. My dog used to gnaw on her rear just in one spot until I started to use a shampoo for dry skin.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Sounds like the dog has fleas to me. Fleas will crawl in and out of a dogs rear end, especially during bathing. I would bath the dog with Dawn Dishwashing soap and use a once per month flea and tick preventive like Advantage.

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