I was cutting my grass on a riding tractor. A hornet touched down on the back of my hand and took off within a fraction of a second, but not before delivering the most painful sting that I have ever experienced. I liken it to having my hand smashed with a hammer. Later that year, I was cutting out a couple of branches from an overgrown shrub and disturbed a hornets' nest (probably where the other one came from). I got stung 4 times (2 chest, one back, one arm). HORRIBLE! I got stung by a wasp yesterday and it was minimal compared to the hornet (although the swelling is spreading around my wrist).
Both hurt, but I believe the hornet sting is worse. Maybe it was where it stung me. Peace
A hornet sting is by far worse in comparison of the two stings. However, I was once stung by a wasp on my side near an upper rib, the likes I had never seen before, and I had a hard knot where it stung me for three+ years. (And believe me it hurt)
Hornet stings are much worse
A Hornet sting is the worst sting you can ever get
A hornet is worse. I got sung by one 4 times! On the rib, the side, the arm, and the chin. Hornets charge at you and are most of the time near water NOT salt water.
A wasp is in the middle.
A wasp is in the middle.
They are both bad I just got stung by a wasp today but a think the hornet stings worse
A hornets sting hurts like hell man way worse than a wasp
A hornet by far cause it shoots a poisonous acid into your body. I accidentally got a hold of a nest 4 days ago and it was the worst pain ever but I'm only 12 so but the second worst pain I've had is biting my tongue in half and being struck by lightning.!!
Hornets hit you like a baseball
I do believe it's the hornet, or yellow jacket. Have them trying to build another nest on the house, and the husband is allergic too.
Well two years ago a Bald Faced Hornet got in my vehicle I leaned back on it I killed it, not before it felt like I was hit in the back like a baseball bat,after an hour of intense pain it began to burn like I had a hot coal on my back. I have been stung by most bes and wasp my god hornet wins this battle
Hornet's sting I guess
A hornet because wasps o not travail in a group hornets do
Definately hornet stings
Hornet sting!
I really dont know but if I were you and you see one run....
Both are really bad. It may cause bloating, stinging, fall madly in love with your toy, will want to sleep with a teddy bear. If your allergic you will hate that venom they inject into your vital organs. Those symptoms may worsen and also cause death, heart attack, or stroke.
Well if your allergic than it hurts like hell, but if your not and get stung by a Great black wasp it has a different poison and a bigger stinger than mose wasp.
Don't know which is more venemous, but I do know for a fact that a Bald Face Hornet sting hurts a lot worse than a wasp..This I realized after dealing with them for many years.