Discharge from the ears can be due to a bacterial infection, yeast infection, or ear mites. Yeast and bacteria are often dark brown while mites tend to cause a darker, blackish discharge.
The head tilt and decreased appetite may signal that the ear drum has been ruptured and this is a middle or inner ear infection instead of a simple external ear infection. Middle and inner ear disease causes neurological signs like head tilt, difficultly with balance, and nausea. The center for balance is located in this area and when it is diseased dogs show signs of motion sickness.
Have your dog examined by a veterinarian who will do a deep clean then look down the ears with an otoscope to visualize the ear drum to see if it's intact. Do not try to do a deep clean at home as you may end up creating a ruptured ear drum.
Treatment may include topical or oral medication depending what is wrong. Topical medication is usually used if the ear drum is intact.
Have a great day!
Ann Falk, DVM
Discharge from the ears can be due to a bacterial infection, yeast infection, or ear mites. Yeast and bacteria are often dark brown while mites tend to cause a darker, blackish discharge.
The head tilt and decreased appetite may signal that the ear drum has been ruptured and this is a middle or inner ear infection instead of a simple external ear infection. Middle and inner ear disease causes neurological signs like head tilt, difficultly with balance, and nausea. The center for balance is located in this area and when it is diseased dogs show signs of motion sickness.
Have your dog examined by a veterinarian who will do a deep clean then look down the ears with an otoscope to visualize the ear drum to see if it's intact. Do not try to do a deep clean at home as you may end up creating a ruptured ear drum.
Treatment may include topical or oral medication depending what is wrong. Topical medication is usually used if the ear drum is intact.
Have a great day!
Ann Falk, DVM