I Am Getting A 6 Week Old Maltipoo Puppy Is It Ready To Leave Its Mommy And What Should I Feed It?


3 Answers

molly callaway Profile
molly callaway answered
Wait 2 more weeks at least before taking it from its mommy, and then feed it good quality wet food. As it gets older, start mixing in the dry stuff if you plan on feeding it dry. I would definitely recommend it, because it keeps the dogs teeth, etc in better condition. Hope I helped, and congrats on your new puppy.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
6 weeks is the very earliest a puppy should ever be removed from its mother and litter. Make sure it spends time with other well cared for dogs. Parvo and other diseases are deadly at that age shots or no shots.

If the breeder wasn't feeding a dry chow, make a gradual change to one over a week.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It is old enough to leave its mommy. You could start feeding him/her wet food (the one that comes in cans) or you could give him/her dry puppy food for small breeds (the bag should contain really tiny pieces for small breed puppies). If you want, you can also pour a little bit of skim milk to the dry food to see if it would be easier for him/her to eat it. Have fun with your new puppy! :)
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Cows' milk contains lactose which will upset a puppy's digestion.
Anonymous commented
Actually, there's lactose-free milk and soy milk.
Anonymous commented
Don't add cows' milk. It will cause digestive upsets.

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