Female dogs often feel a bit grumpy or poorly when in season. They frequently have similar symptoms for the next 2 months while having a phantom pregnancy as well. A working dog may be less enthusiastic about work, and some may refuse to work at all. Can't blame them really - us girls know all about how hormones can mess you up.
It could make them sick over the long term due to all the health issues that are a direct result of not being spayed. But if your dog is currently in heat (or you think she may be) and acting like that, no, it's something else and you should see your vet. Are you certain it's a heat and not uterine infection? I'd see my vet today. Hope your baby is okay.
www.bullmastiffsonline.com www.irvinevetservices.com
www.bullmastiffsonline.com www.irvinevetservices.com