
How Do I Get Rid Of Fleas On Newborn Kittens?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can get a flea collar and it wont harm the kittens
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Gently wash the kittens in luke warm bath and wash them with Johnson's Baby shampoo. We just did it with our kittens that are the same way. It seemed to work a lot of the flees were in the tub. Just be careful of the temp.
Leah goodison Profile
Leah goodison answered
Get a flee color it will help and won't harm it
jasmine baonza Profile
jasmine baonza answered
You can go to the vet and ask but give it normal milk cat milk and mix it with water , and give it dry food and but water in it and the drain it so the food is soggy and that is what I did!! It might just not want to eat cause it is in a new home and need to ge use to it now if it still dosent eat what I told you to do then take it to the vet that would be the best thing for your new kitten!!I hope that everything goes well and that your kitten s ok!!

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