Why Is My Puppy Throwing Up Worms?


21 Answers

Osbourne Ruddock Profile
It is very likely that your puppy has a heavy infestation of worms and, if so, will need to be treated by your vet immediately. Left untreated this can cause numerous problems in a puppy, and can be life threatening. Your vet will be able to distinguish which type of worm your puppy has and will be able to provide a suitable treatment.

This is made even more essential by the fact that certain types of dog worms can be very dangerous to humans, and can be easily transferred (especially to children). Certain worm eggs can lie in the soil and are easily picked up by children playing outside and ingested. These can breed in the stomach and some even attack the eyes (this can in very severe cases cause blindness). 

If possible, take a worm sample to the vet with you as this may help with the diagnosis. If this is not possible, ensure you go prepared with knowledge of all the symptoms you have seen (vomiting, diarrhoea, weight loss, dull coat, low appetite, coughing, pot bellied appearance, low energy level etc.). Not all dogs will show all of these symptoms but by telling the vet which ones your puppy has will enable them to diagnose faster and give a suitable treatment.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think that's a roundworm you're talking about. It's a parasite so you should get off your computer and get your doggy to the vet! Did it look like the worm in that picture?
Phoebe MadHat Profile
Phoebe MadHat answered
Roundworms I believe is what they are called. It must be a very bad infestation to be vomiting them, but don't worry, many puppies receive worms from their mothers or young romping and exploring. Some simple medication can result in purging of the worms in a few days, just call your vet for an appointment. They can be very uncomfortable for pups as the worms progress, so please act.
Jessica Smith Profile
Jessica Smith answered
Most puppies are born with roundworm they require regular deworming when they are young.  If your puppy is vomiting roundworms, it means she has a very heavy burden.  Heavy burdens can cause problems like vomiting and diarrhoea, malnutrition, bloackages, and unthriftiness.  I would confirm with your vet that your pup is on the correct dose of medication.  If signs persist, you should have your pup examined.  Also, roundworms can be transmitted to people and are especially dangerous to children.  Be careful to remove her faeces from the environment and wash your hands after handling the dog.

Bordelon Profile
Bordelon answered
You will need to do another treatment for worms. It is more than likely round worms. Ask the vet for some dewormer that takes care of round worms.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My pup has vomit"d a bunch of long white worms which curl up when exposed to the air but seem to die very soon, pup has been on a 3 week course of worming treatment
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you dog is vomiting roundworm then he is seriously infected that should be treated immediately. Roundworm are intestinal parasites in many animals including dogs and humans. These worms are transmitted through feces of the infected dog to the healthy dog and from contaminated foods and objects. Pregnant infected mother dog can also transmit these worms to the puppies.

Roundworms in dogs should be treated. Many medicines are available to treat roundworm infestation in dogs. In my opinion, You should get prescription from the vet and use only those medicines that can coverage to roundworms infestation.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
All puppies get worms, which is why their bellies are so full looking, but after 6 weeks, and a full set of shots he should stop.
thanked the writer.
ANNA JONES commented
There are more than one type of worm that comes out in poo,and they can get worms after 6 weeks.And i dnt recall any shot that will cure worms,mostly meds they take.
Deb Profile
Deb answered
I think it's good that they are being expelled from her body, but I've always heard & personal experience w/ my pups the worms were being killed & pushed out in their poop.  You better call your vet just to make sure, it's better to be safe than sorry, you know?  And yes, it's very important to wear gloves while handling pups or washing them often... Before & after you hold them & or touch them in any way... You could get worms yourself if not careful.  They also can be passed to other animals in the house, so keep everything as clean as possible.  It's important to keep medicating them too, I always dewormed them every month... But that was just to make sure they didn't still have them.  If you know they have them, then do it more often... As directed by vet.  Hope I answered your question!  Good luck w/ your pup, hope she is ok!
caroline Profile
caroline answered
He needs worming, if he's vomiting them he's probably got quite an infestation. You can get them from pet shops or vets.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My pup vomited these worms as well(a whole bunch) Looked like noodles. They are called Roundworm. Get him to the vet.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My pup has round worms and is throwing up and pooping them out so that is a good sign and if the vet give only one dose you have to do it one more time in 2 weeks to git rid of them
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I just have to say what color are these worms they causes my puppy has been throwing up white round worms and if your digging threw they land mines you can have problems just like them
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
UGGGGGGGG okk it sounds to me that your dog might have roundworms. I suggest you take him/her to the vet...QUICK
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Also humans can get ringworms from close contact with infected pets. If you have noticed yourself developing a rash caracterized by small red bumps in a circular pattern and an itching sinsation on your skin, you should go to the doctor for some antibiotics.
jaiee mohr Profile
jaiee mohr answered
I'm not a vet but I'm betting that your puppy is just reacting to the medication. If you re really concerned you can call your vet office they will have someone on call to help you out. What medication is your puppy on and for what?

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