
What Kind Of Bug Spray Can I Use That Won't Harm My Dog?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Try Head of the Herd Multipurpose Pet Spray.

As seen on Dragons Den

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
First off, always check with your vet!  Also do a google search for bug spray and dogs, there are a bunch of forums with other ideas

Here are my thoughts,
The active ingredient in mosquito repellent is DEET, mild repellents have a DEET content of around 15%, while strong ones have between 25 and 30%.  DEET has been found to kill brain cells if not used as directed - ie you saturate yourself with it for like 10 days straight, but the EPA says it is fine in small doses.  Thus I would choose a spray with a lower DEET content if you are going to use it on your dog, and don't saturate your dog or rub it in or whatever.  Also DEET should not be used on kids, so the same would go for kittens or puppies

also  I can't vouche for how well this works but
- quoted from rogue on,
I've got to let everyone know that there is a terrific DEET FREE bug spray for your pets and family. It is called BUSH SPLASHand is produced by muskoka woods in huntsville. You can purchase this product for 12.99 a bottle at most pet value locations in toronto.
I have used it for 2 summers now on my sheppard Cassie when we go camping or to the conservation area for the day. She has never had a bite as far as I can tell. It is made out of natural products but you may find it a little oily

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