Hawks generally swoop to grab small animals such as chicken and rabbits which is very annoying for farmers; however, they have a positive side to them too. The majority of other birds are afraid of hawks so if there is one in the area, other birds will stay away. In addition, hawks will get rid of any insect problems as well as take away any rodents and snakes.
If you often experience problems with hawks and you have chickens or rabbits that are often stolen by them you could simply put a net over the chicken coup because then they won't have easy access to your chickens. In addition, you can purchase nets that prevent hawks from stealing food, or your animals. This can be used over the feeder and you could even set up food for them in a different location so they don't come near the area where your animals are kept. You could put out bird seed or pieces of meat and fat.
Lastly, you need to remember that you must not under any circumstances kill or harm a hawk because it is a federal offence. If you cause any harm then you could be dealt a huge fine or even given jail time for doing so. You should keep in mind that Federal agents keep track of hawks and despite the problems that may cause to your farm they actually do a lot of positive things, as stated earlier.