
Do Zoos Do Harm To Animals?


7 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There is also the problem of genetic range. In small populations there can be problems related to inbreeding, which can result in genetically weaker offspring. These offspring are more vulnerable and less likely to survive in the wild. Captive bred animals have often missed out on valuable lessons their wild parents would have taught them and therefore often do not have the instincts or knowledge to survive in the wild.
Life in a Zoo
Zoo enclosures are typically lacking the animals’ needs. For example, the average enclosure size for mammals in UK zoos is one hundred times smaller than their minimum home range in the wild. Confining animals in artificial and often small enclosures inside zoos is stressful and causes them harm. Animals in zoos are bored and lonely creatures who spend their days shuffling, swaying and pacing back and forth, their eyes sad and empty.
Other stereotype behaviors displayed as a result of intense boredom and suffering include rocking, over-grooming, mutilation, neck twisting, chewing and bar biting, hyper-aggression, abnormal motherly behavior and feeding disorders.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes,they cause much much harm,I mean would you like to be in jail well the zoo is a jail for animals even though  I LOVE going there.!
Lu Lu or Amanda Johnsoooooon Profile
They are not allowed to or else the animals would be taken away and the zoo would be shut down
jessie wisniewski Profile
You because  they put them in there when there mom or something goes wrong they take them  but sometimes they gust takes them for no good resin.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hey let's all start a website where everyone wastes time giving biased, uninformed responses to questions they ask one another.
Yeah, that sounds cool.
Oh, wait.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes I agree iam doing this report for school and they do more harm than good I don't think we should have them any more they should be able to run free. Pluse we they were here before us :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Actually rabbits are much happier in zoos because it's a lot easier to find love buddies and they don't get eaten by foxes or wolves.

My psych teacher totally did a study in this I go to NYU. Just look up happy rabit love buddies. :)

You're welcome.

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