
Are The Hart's Flea Collars Bad For My Cats?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I personally don't like using them. One time when I was naive I used them all the time. The cats hate the smell and will take them off. They developed allergies to them and lost their hair around the neck where the collar was.

It's better to get some Frontline, and use something gentler around the belly and lower area near the genitals where most fleas live, such as a thing called neem oil. It is a bit stinky, but you can also add mint extract to it-to the water bowl to cut the smell. I buy it at a organic food store and I put a couple dropperfuls in an small old bowl, fill it with warm water, soak a old washrag I use specifically for this purpose, and dip the washrag in the solution, wring it out, and wipe it all over the cat. You don't want to drown the cat, just clean it like it's mother did. Make sure the solution penetrates thru the fur to the skin. If you get your cats when they are young, and do this frequently, they actually start liking it. Also it's helpful to run a flea comb thru them first, and have another bowl of neem tincure water ready to dip the comb in when you find fleas and dander.

Neem is a safe natural insect killer and repellant, that is extracted from  a fruit of a tree.
I've even heard of people adding it to their food to kill any eggs they might have licked and ingested. But I don't reccommend it, you would have to order food grade neem online, and I don't know if cats digest it well.

Never ever give your cat or dog garlic like some do, it's like feeding them poison.
Cheryle Masters Profile
Cheryle Masters answered
I have been told they are so be careful.  Frontline is better.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
All flea collars are bad news for cats. Many cats develop intense itching responses to them. It is best to seek a vets advice. Cats can also have nasty accidents with flea collars.

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