What Do Caterpillars Eat And Drink?


10 Answers

Moe Pence Profile
Moe Pence answered
Most tend to  eat "weedy" plants, such as clover, nettles, or plantains.  You can even put a green bean (uncooked) in there for it.  The problem is that different butterfly caterpillars eat different foliage.  They drink water, and keeping a tiny amount of it is fine, as long as the water level isn't high enough that it could fall in and drown.  If you're keeping it in a container or box, keep it out of direct sunlight.

Here is a good site to go to for keeping them:

(after the .org, type in: /gar2/topics/wildlife/handbooks/butterfly guide/5.html)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Caterpillar eat really any kind of plant. I have a Caterpillar farm. Well a farm full of walnut caterpillers. Walnut caterpillers turn into moths. They are very hairy to. They eat really any thing. Remember if you own any kind of Caterpillar, always change there tank when there plants begin to die. If you do they could die. (Catipillers don't drink! They get it from leafs.) So get some leafs (any kind) make sure there not poky it could kill theme!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well we have a small, plain, green caterpiller, and it eats a lot of weeds, he mostly eats Dandelion  leaves. I'm not really sure if they need water, maybe if the grass is wet, it would be ok. I don't think all caterpillers would eat this. They need air so if you have one in a jar or a glass make sure theres enough holes, so it can breath. 
desiree anne t. bongon Profile
Horn worm tomato plant leaves
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
MY caterpiller eats leaves and water but he mostly swims in his bowl
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Do dragonflies eat grass do they eat stink weed do they eat flowers what do they eat?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
First, caterpillars eat leaves. You need to figure out what kind of caterpillar you have then feed it the leaf it likes. Example, painted lady ones love hollyhocks. Hornworms eat tomato plants. Also, if you know the type you have you can find online places that will send you the caterpillar feed for that type of caterpillar. Butterflies will drink nectar from flowers.

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