Good question. Snakes are amazingly complex creatures. However for adapting in a different living condition it is hard for them especially if its cold, if it is cold the snake; especially if its alone; will more than likely die of the cold or hunger because they haven't got the energy to hunt when its cold. So the best bet is to keep it in a warm environment. Also, some snakes when moved into a new living condition may not eat right away, this is normal as long as it does not pass the two week mark without eating. Furthermore; contrary to popular belief; its always a good idea to hold your snake whenever possible with the exception of after feeding. This is because it helps the snake to feel at home and helps it to adapt comfortably to its surroundings so it is not constantly on the defensive in a a new environment. I no this because I handled and fed my snake the first day I got her and she is very social and effectionate. I hope this helps you.
Snakes are ectothermic. They are at the mercy of their environment. They cannot adapt to a new environment unless it has the same temperature and humidity levels as their natural environment. Swamp snakes can't survive in the desert, even though both have high temperatures.
Several ways. For instance. A lot of snake don't hibernate. But when it gets cold then their body slows down enough that they don't have to move much. Sometimes all winter long. If their food becomes scarce then their metabolism slows down. Sometimes dramatically. The record is over two years that a snake survived without eating before it starved to death
they are cold blooded and can survive for 2 years without food and not starve to death
Because they have got hairy eyeballs