
What Do Cheetahs Eat And Drink?


10 Answers

Alex Krazy Profile
Alex Krazy answered
Cheetahs eat meat...specifically gazelles and other animals around 40kg. They catch them by chasing them. Cheetahs can sprint up to 70mph in only a few seconds!
Cheetahs drink water from waterholes, like all other wild animals.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Cheetahs eat rabbit, monkey, .cheetahs can run really fast. Now, cheetahs also eat human. Cheetahs are black spotted and have very good eyesight. They run up to speeds like 65 miles per hour. Cheetahs will eat anything that can't eat them. And thats what I think about cheetahs.
Alan Profile
Alan answered
They eat about anything they can pounce on. As far as drink, mostly water. Beer gives them a nasty hangover.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

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