They eat small insects, basically anything that moves that will fit in it's mouth, so flies, crickets, meal worms, ect
I feed my western toadlet flightless fruit flies which I get n ebay. I also feed him thees teeny cricket-like things I find on plants
Small insects, lil crickets, maybe some blood worms.
I have 2 baby frogs of my own,and,they ADORE bloodworms.Buy the frozen ones,and leave it in the water and it will melt.In a few hours you wont even have half of what you put in,they ate it all because they love it all so much!!!!If you do decide to feed them bloodworms,then only feed it to them every 2 days.Too much will rot up the water.But,if I couldnt say bloodworms I would recommend baby crickets,green-flys and other small insects.
They eat flies and four inch can find it if you go to google and type in What do baby frogs eat? that is how I found it.