What Types Of Fruit And Vegetables Can A Toad Eat? I Have 3 Small Toads That I Found In My Backyard. I Made Them A Cage But What Should I Feed Them And How Often?


9 Answers

Anastasia (nickname: Anya) Profile
I take a small piece of worm and put a lodge in a string of nylon and pull it slowly in front of the toads
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Baby toads can eat fruit I don't know what kind  just stick it in the gage and see if they eat it   they can eat vegetables    , they can eat small fire flies, crickets, small worms,
Jeannine almeida Profile
Go to the pet store and get some crickets and meal worms.  You can also find earthworms outside.  Check on a damp night preferably after a rain.  Grab a flashlight and put some red saran wrap over the lit end.  The worms cannot feel the heat from the red light and won't squirm away as quickly.  I don't know if they eat fruits and vegetables, but try putting some dandelion greens in the cage.  They will also need a heat source to help digest the food.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well they usually don't eat anything but bugs. You should probably get them some worms and Rollie pollies the love those
Ryan Rugraff Profile
Ryan Rugraff answered
Toads and frogs are basically all carnivores. Most reptiles and amphibians are carnivores and do not eat vegetable material. I do not believe that there are any frogs/toads that eat plants, though I could be wrong. J-9 is correct, in that they will eat meal worms or crickets if they are big enough. If the toads a very young (small) you can go to a fishing store and ask them for red worms, they are much smaller than a typical earthworm and will be easier if the toads are small, once big enough you can feed them almost any type of insect. In the wild young/small toads eat flys, ants, caterpillars, almost anything that walks past that they can fit in there mouths. Some Frogs in the amazon are large enough that they have been known to swallow baby birds whole. So your answer is no plants are good to feed a toad...you would have to physically stuff them down their throats.
thanked the writer.
Ryan Rugraff
Ryan Rugraff commented
Did not know that, great tip Ryanna!
Anonymous commented
Then why bother post i dont feel like puting my hand in the ground and having a bug walk all over it and most people don't
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They CAN NOT EAT MOTHS but they LOVE to eat cricket!
thanked the writer.
meg mor
meg mor commented
Im getting a fire bellied toad and can i just put some dead meal worms in a container and let him eat them?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Toads don't eat fruits and vegetables. Try crickets, worms and potato bugs. Easy and low budget. Make sure the food fits easily into their mouths. Try to feed them everyday or every other day. That's what I do.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They can eat crickets that are small and earthworms. Just give them a bunch so you wont have to feed that often

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