I have a pitbull myself, and she is the most wonderful dog in the world. We brought her to a friends house who has a little son of 15 months, and he grabbed on her tail and jumped on her..and want to know what her response was? She LICKED his face. Such a VICIOUS dog. Don't knock them because of what you hear. Any animal or breed can bite anyone. My aunt had a golden retriever who bit..and they are known to be "FAMILY PETS"
Well, I believe that it all depends on the dog's upbringing and its nature - it's like humans. If for instance, you have a kind loving family, never feel the need to hide things and can depend on people, you're likely to be an open kind person.
I think this is the same as dogs - you breed the dog as a fighting animal, and then suddenly change. It's probably not suitable for social status. However, give it the love and attention it needs, the right amount of discipline and a large amount of your time, and I think these dogs can be as good natured as ANY other dog!
I think this is the same as dogs - you breed the dog as a fighting animal, and then suddenly change. It's probably not suitable for social status. However, give it the love and attention it needs, the right amount of discipline and a large amount of your time, and I think these dogs can be as good natured as ANY other dog!
Pit bulls are great dogs. I work for a shelter and so many of these dogs are automatically euthanized because of their breed. People are scared of them and won't adopt them and shelters are overrun with them. Please spread the word that these are great dogs! If you decide to adopt PLEASE adopt from the shelter.
Yes there good wih kids.. Its all how they are rasied... I have 2 pits one blue and one rednose they are very good with my 1 year son... I hate that people judge them just because one pit does something wrong doesnt mean all pits are the same.. My pits are big ole babies.. I love them 2 death
It all depends on their background. When we got ours we picked on that had been raised in a daycare since birth as both of his parents had as well. When born into a good situation and raised correctly they can be the best dogs. While we had our Dozer we also had a three year old and a newborn, two cats, and a pekingese. Dozer never so much as growled at the kids where my little dog continually bit my kids. I would highly recommend this breed only to those who know how to handle and raise the breed as well as only from the right kind of parents.
Absolutely! The only people who say all pit bulls are bad dogs or aggressive are ignorant and don't take the time to understand the breed. They are fantastic pets! I have a 2 year old nephew, a 9 month old nephew, and a 6 year old niece, and they come over just to visit the dogs now. The kids climb all over them and the baby crawls over to them and pulls their tails and ears and lays on them when they are sleeping. They are great around kids and other dogs, but its recommended that you expose them to them as much as possible while they are young to get them used to them, even though they might not need it. Pit Bulls have a naturally good disposition. I have 4 pit bulls and I take them to the flea market every weekend so they can get used to all the children petting them and hugging them. They usually just roll over so the kids can rub their bellies. These are great family dogs!
I had a pit for 14 years and she was the sweetest dog . Never attempted to bite anyone. My son at the time was a baby and he would sit on her and do the normal baby things like try to pull her tail and ears and she never nipped at him. I raised her with love and respect and she was great. Taking dogs to training is the best thing to do because then you are taught how to train them right and gain their respect too.
I also had a rottie up until recently (had to put him down :( ) and he was also a very great dog. I am such a believer in , its all in how you train and treat your dog.
I also had a rottie up until recently (had to put him down :( ) and he was also a very great dog. I am such a believer in , its all in how you train and treat your dog.
These animals make great pets.I have owned 5 in my lifetime.I am 26 now and have had no problems with the breed.I only have two now.three have passed and all due to natural causes.this breed has a lot of negative stereotypes from ignorant people.yes they where bred to fight but not other dogs,these animals where bred for hunting bears,hogs, deer and other big game.it was until way much later on that they where used for the vicious sport.I also have two kids and one on the way and they have not hurt them nor my pregnant wife.mind you I have had pits for 26 years and have not one bite mark from a bit.I have gotten bite once and it was by a chihuahua.lol.how ironic is that.
I work at a vet clinic where we see a lot of pits. Some very aggressive, more than a few extremely loving. I had a pit at one time and he was a truly wonderful dog, and I saw my two year old nephew jump on him like a trampoline. I also know a kid at my church who had to be hospitalized after a pit attacked them. They are a powerful dog, not for the faint of heart. Lazy people should not consider this breed as an option. People will make things harder for you out of fear and ignorance, and you as an owner will have to e above reproach with your pet. People are always watching and waiting to see what this "monster" of yours will do. These dogs require diligent exercise, tons of socialization, and even more discipline and love. I have heard horror stories and fairy tales, but at some point I realized that all of these things are somewhere, loosely based in truth. The pitbull is a dog, and I believe all dogs deserve a chance to be loved. Anytime you bring an animal into your home with children, or even your other pets, you run the risk that it is not a good match. So, are pits good with kids? Are golden retrievers good with kids? I was bit by a big one. Why don't we have this conversation about more breeds than just pits?
I have three pitbulls whom are around kids and cats and other dogs every single day. If you get a puppy and raise to be good then it will be. THESE ARE HIGH ENERGY DOGS. You will need to walk it for 1-2 hours a day or it will be very hyper. You need to be a good leader of the dog. They are very good pets around children. Don't let the media tell you what dog to get. I personally wont own anything but American pitbull terriers. Watch the pitbull documentary OFF THE CHAIN. Its on Youtube right now. Youll learn some things
Gosh haha a pitbull can be just as bad as any other dog around a child. It all depends on how the dog is raised. I mean mine was never around children, Now he is 3 and just started having babys and children come around. He loves them. In fact the other day my friend brought his one year old over she was digging in his food bowl WHILE he was eating and feeding him little pebbles. He was loving it. But some dogs "No matter what breed" Mostly little dogs actually If they are not raised around children You just have to keep an eye out, You will know right away if its a good or bad idea. If the dog has been around children as a puppy to an adult you have a better chance of that dog being fine. Look up Pitbull hero videos You will see so many loving storys of them saving children .
I raised my 5 boys with pits and NEVER had anything bad happen, my boys now all have pits, with that said I would never get a older one that I had no idea how it was treated but a baby pit and you raise it yourself would work wonderful.
It depends on the breeding and the training for some and then others well I'm not going to get into that. My mom's pitbull was so good to us kids, but one day when we weren't home the pitbull randomly out of no where attacked my mom's prize winning doberman. We came home to a bloody house covered in dog remains. It was weird the dog had never shown any signs of aggression before that. My mom since then has learned to hate them.
I have one she is 15 years old. I've had her since she was eight weeks.
She is a lovely dog. NEVER had any problems with her. I raised two kids with
My dog loves people always has. She thinks she's a small dog and want's to
sit on your lap... Loves to be petted and rubbed.
Don't listen to people that say their bad dogs... Cause they all are not. It does
depend on how it is raised..
Mine is GREAT!!!!
She is a lovely dog. NEVER had any problems with her. I raised two kids with
My dog loves people always has. She thinks she's a small dog and want's to
sit on your lap... Loves to be petted and rubbed.
Don't listen to people that say their bad dogs... Cause they all are not. It does
depend on how it is raised..
Mine is GREAT!!!!
It is the own that make the dogs that way.I raise blue noes pitbull for years around my kids sents they were 2years old they are now 7 and 9 I think they are the best breed to have for kids.I get my puppys about 5-6 weeks old and my kids sleep with they till they are about 6 to 7 mouth old then they but outside.I have 5 blue nose pitbull I read on my dog to find the best tempmet for kids it was ameican pitbull terrie I raise they fisrt it was a good breed then I got blue nose pitbull.but people get different opinions about the breed should be shot or kill to you people I say f....k you it is the own that make the pitbull mad not the pitbull. My kids love the hell out of they pitbull...
Your dog depends on how you raise them if you teach them to be good then they will be good its about how you raise your dog
I have 3 pitbulls and owned many prior to these 3 and I have to tell you that I am sorry to hear that only thing you heard about them is "vicious". My pits were raised with not only much love but we keep them exercised and well trained. They are very loyal and loving pets. I think that any dog would be vicious if they were mis-treated just like us. There is a member of this site name "Nayla" and he/she is a prime example of that because he/she is asking how to train the pits to fight. I can not change the view of the society but, I can only tell you from my experience. Also, according to my research, number of pets that attacked human or other animals are not pits. Hope more people can have the experience that I share with my pits (or any pets for that matter) 'because there are so much they give back. I appreciate your honest question though.
I have a pit bull and she was raised around kids since she was little. She doesn't have the urge to bite them or myself. She is the calmest dog we have had. She plays with them all the time. I don't have to worry about her hurting them. I think that it all depends on how they are raised.
If you raise them mean, then they will become mean for no apparent reason. If you raise them with love and respect them, then they will respect you enough not to harm you in any way possible. My second youngest son had got bite in the forehead by a border collie. This was because of the kids around the neighbourhood were mean to her and we didn't know about it till when he went to play with her and that happened.
But dogs are mean when they are provoked into being so. That goes for any dog. It is not just the pit bulls or rottweilers; it is all dogs in my opinion.
If you raise them mean, then they will become mean for no apparent reason. If you raise them with love and respect them, then they will respect you enough not to harm you in any way possible. My second youngest son had got bite in the forehead by a border collie. This was because of the kids around the neighbourhood were mean to her and we didn't know about it till when he went to play with her and that happened.
But dogs are mean when they are provoked into being so. That goes for any dog. It is not just the pit bulls or rottweilers; it is all dogs in my opinion.
You should always be careful when having any dog around children. It is important to get your dog when it is a puppy, that way the socialization process is easier and the puppy will be very familiar with children. If you raise a pitbull in an environment with lots of play room, love, and care, you'll have a great dog. Although they are not aggressive towards humans, they can be aggressive towards other unfamiliar dogs (just like any other breed). If an adult pitbull sees a child and has never seen one before, there is a good chance that it might think the child is an animal. This is another reason that your pitbull should be familiar with children from the get-go. Because pitbulls have such a great desire to please, they are often abused and neglected, creating ill-tempered animals. They have very strong jaw pressure and are very muscular. If a pitbull is not properly socialized from a young age (around children, other dogs, cats, people of different ethnicities, and other animals), temperament issues may arise due to the neglect of owners.
Also, pitbulls should be exercised daily. They have TONS of energy and if they do not get a chance to run around in the backyard a couple of times a day, they will get bored. When pitbulls get bored, walls get chewed up.
Also, pitbulls should be exercised daily. They have TONS of energy and if they do not get a chance to run around in the backyard a couple of times a day, they will get bored. When pitbulls get bored, walls get chewed up.
Yes, pits are very well manner and social dogs. My boy is to friendly, but I deal with it because if the rep pits has and he is a therapy dog. Pits are in the news not because they are vicious but the owner is careless. Do your research, they are not the most vicious dogs (the little dog are). Google Amercian Temperament Test Society, when testing the dogs aggressive behavior, any score above 80% is good. American Pit Bull Terrier 84.3%, American Staffordshire 83.4%, Staffordshire Bull Terrier 85.3%. Collie 53.3%, Bichon Frise 79.3%, Corgi 75.4%, Chihuahua 70.3%, Dachshund 70.2%, Setter 75%, Schnauzer 75.5%, Lhasa Also 69.2%. I think we can all see that the little ones are far more aggressive than the big ones. The job of the news media is to report bad news, not good. To this day you still hear about vick and what his dogs did but you don't keep hearing that all his dogs are back in population as therapy dogs, rescue dogs, and even pets (only one of his dogs had to be put down).
Of course, Pitbulls are great!!!...Before I had ever owned a Pitbull, I too was curious of this same question. Now I own two of them and they are great! Just like any dog you would own, how you raise the dog will determine how the dog will behave in its years to come. It is also good to know the line of family the dog comes from, if they have a past for being "fighters", the pup too may be naturally agressive. The two pitbulls I own are very social as long as I (the owner) am around. However, as a natural instinct, when I'm not around, they do get protective, but they do not bite they will simply bark at a stranger. As puppies it is good to take your dog to family outtings or walks in public places to get the dog to be social. People make pitbulls out to be beasts. Though, when brought up in the wrong hands they may be "beasts", but raising the dog as it SHOULD be raised, a Pitbull is a fine pet to have around families.
I think that pit bulls are really great dogs to have around as a family pet. I have owned pits, rot ties and lots of others as well..and there is not difference in their temperament. The owners of these breeds of dogs are the problems. No breed of dog will take abusive treatment and not fight back!!! The banning of pits is un-called for!!! The owners have to train the dogs to be mean and vicious because that is not in their nature unless they are bred to fight and treated to do so. Just like chickens (cocks)...they're not vicious from birth, they have to be trained to be fighters...think about that before you start judging an animal by its breed or name.
The breed has an undeserved reputation. We adopted one from the shelter several years ago and she is the kindest, sweetest dog we ever had. She is absolutely trustworthy with kids and our cats. I noticed that many of the dogs responsible for attacks are called pits but the picture will often be of a non-pit mutt. The breed used to represent the all-American dog. Helen Keller had one. They are very people oriented dogs. I think if they are involved in your life and trained, not chained in a yard and neglected, they make great pets.
It really depends on the breeding stock. I have known pits that I would trust around my babies and others that I wouldn't have on the same street. At the pound in my county, they won't let you adopt any dogs that come in that have pit bull in them--if they suspect that puppies have pit in them, they put them down.
I had a pit live next to me that was very sweet--until it saw a cat. He would go crazy for cats and had killed several. But when he would see my daughter (who was under 2 at the time) in the yard, he would stand in between her and the gate to make sure she wouldn't get out.
A lot of people consider pits to be unpredictable. But make sure they don't come from fighting breeding stock and give them good training.
I had a pit live next to me that was very sweet--until it saw a cat. He would go crazy for cats and had killed several. But when he would see my daughter (who was under 2 at the time) in the yard, he would stand in between her and the gate to make sure she wouldn't get out.
A lot of people consider pits to be unpredictable. But make sure they don't come from fighting breeding stock and give them good training.
Yes they are . All depends on how you raise them. Make sure when buying your puppy that you meet the parents both mom and dad so you can get a feel of what their temperament is like. Pit bulls are very energetic and need attention at least every other day. The longer they go without the stimulation of the attention you give them the more trouble they will cause. like children get into mischief when bored pit bulls are the same when I say trouble I mean small stuff like chewing on shoes. also make sure you have a good size fence to keep them in your yard. my 2 yr old male pit jumps a 6 ft fence no problem.
All I have to say is this,
any dog even if its a chihuahua will be aggressive if it is not raised correctly, most people that say those things about them have been in an encounter with a dog that hasn't been trained properly. Also most people that get pitbulls get them because they need a guard dog so they treat them as guard dogs so they bark all the time and look cautious because they've been trained to bark at people...
any dog even if its a chihuahua will be aggressive if it is not raised correctly, most people that say those things about them have been in an encounter with a dog that hasn't been trained properly. Also most people that get pitbulls get them because they need a guard dog so they treat them as guard dogs so they bark all the time and look cautious because they've been trained to bark at people...
I have always had pitbulls around my kids and the one I currently have I trust her to "babysit" my 2 daughters when they go out in the backyard my girls r 2 and 8. My 8 year old has always had a pit bull (some of them were mixed) they have always been great it is how you raise the dog and their family lineage mine comes from a line of herding dogs
I have a 10 month old pitbull, she is extremely good with children! Its definitely the owner that makes dog mean, or bad experiences in the dogs life. Please don't judge pitbulls by their breed!! My pitbull will play with the kids forever, let them pat her and she will lick them all over!!! Sweetest dog I have ever owned! I will have children soon and I have no doubt on how my pitbull will act around them...she is great!
Yeah . Pitbulls can be safe with kids. Anyone who has any
legitimate knowledge of dog breeds knows that pit bulls are usually
great with kids. It is just plain common sense not to leave any dog
alone with small children but pit bulls are certainly not bad with
children compared to most other dog breeds.Historically pit bulls
have been a favorite companion and friend to children and tend to like
the excitement of being with kids. As long as they are socialized and
trained properly, pit bulls are the perfect dog breed to withstand the
rough play of kids.
legitimate knowledge of dog breeds knows that pit bulls are usually
great with kids. It is just plain common sense not to leave any dog
alone with small children but pit bulls are certainly not bad with
children compared to most other dog breeds.Historically pit bulls
have been a favorite companion and friend to children and tend to like
the excitement of being with kids. As long as they are socialized and
trained properly, pit bulls are the perfect dog breed to withstand the
rough play of kids.
Those from the UK lie. When you heard about a "pitbull" attack in the uk the dog is generally a staffordshire bullterrier but since it's an english breed and they afraid that the breed will be banned, they say it was a pitbull. I'm curious that how many "vicious pitbulls" in the uk have papers?
It all depends the temper of the dog, it's blood line and how it's been raised since birth really. I have a blue nose that should be the poster dog for the breed. She's been so perfect since we got her at 7 months. Her behavior has been so perfect around my 2 yr old niece, other dogs, all people, even the new chihuahua puppy that bullys her and she even has her own cat that she won't allow other cats to bully. My son wrestles with her and my niece will walk her in our backyard until I fianlly rescue my dog from my niece. Everyone that meets my dog falls in love with her and all say she is the best dog they have ever met. THAT'S MY DIAMOND
I would get a puppy and then raise it around children that way they have not been teased by children or abused by anyone I would also check out the breeder and ask a lot of questions
Its all in how you raise them if your good to them they will be good to you I have one and she a family pet and very friendly and at when where all in the house she let you know if a stranger is around your house
Ignorance... Ignorant people like you are the kind that make the world a miserable place to live in. If we somehow end up in a post-apocalyptic shelter you will be the first pieces of shlt I put to sleep.
I have been raising pits for a long time now. I also have had them around my children and my small nieces and nephews. I have never had one of them bite in an aggressive manner. I currently have a male and female that just had a litter of pups on December 10th and the day they were born my four year old nephew crawled into the dog house with her and the pups that I have inside my home so that she has some privacy. The mother did not mind him being in there. On top of having my male and female pits I have a male and female jack russell and they all get along together great. I believe that it all depends on how you raise them. You can make any dog mean and aggressive if that is how you want them to be. Both of my pits think that they are lap dogs. In my personal opinion I think that they make an excellent family pet but you want to make sure that you are not getting them from someone who has raised them to be aggressive and to fight. My pits even get along and sleep with my three cats. It is all on how you raise them. Think about it any dog can turn on you if they feel threatened. I would not trade mine for anything in the world. I also will not let my pups go to someone that I feel is going to fight them or make them mean. When we got my male he was almost a year old and had been in a small apartment. If we raised our voice he would cower down as if you were going to beat him and now he is one of the best pits that we have ever had. I guess it all depends on the person. Some dogs are just not the right fit regardless of what breed they are. In my experience I have never had a bad experience. Mine are protective of my family. If I let you in the door to my home or they hear me tell you to come in they will leave you alone, but if someone just walks into my house they will stop you at the door until I tell them to go, but my Jack Russells are the same way.
I wanted to let you know that our family has 5 pits. Two(2) year old sister and 3 puppies sisters and brother they are 9 weeks. The 2 year old are nice to the puppies even thought they are not there own. And we have had our girls since they were 8 weeks old and they love our 10 year old son to death. They play tricks and roll on their backs and give lots of hugs. They like to be rubbed and hugged a lot. They are not mean to anyone. One thing about pits is if you do something to them they do not forget. They will remember you and they will try to get you back for the hurt that you caused them. They are nice animals if you treat them right and like family and not like just a dog. And they are very very very hyper. So you have to make sure that they get their exercise because if you don't they get bored and start digging up the yard.
But our dogs are a joy and if someone is trying to break in your house they will bark to let you know what is going on.
I never really cared for dogs but my husband loves pits and has raised them all his life so they are ok with me . He had 13 before. But they can be good house dogs. Have fun !!!!!
I wanted to let you know that our family has 5 pits. Two(2) year old sister and 3 puppies sisters and brother they are 9 weeks. The 2 year old are nice to the puppies even thought they are not there own. And we have had our girls since they were 8 weeks old and they love our 10 year old son to death. They play tricks and roll on their backs and give lots of hugs. They like to be rubbed and hugged a lot. They are not mean to anyone. One thing about pits is if you do something to them they do not forget. They will remember you and they will try to get you back for the hurt that you caused them. They are nice animals if you treat them right and like family and not like just a dog. And they are very very very hyper. So you have to make sure that they get their exercise because if you don't they get bored and start digging up the yard.
But our dogs are a joy and if someone is trying to break in your house they will bark to let you know what is going on.
I never really cared for dogs but my husband loves pits and has raised them all his life so they are ok with me . He had 13 before. But they can be good house dogs. Have fun !!!!!
My daughter had a 3 year old male pit bull when my grand daughter was born. We were afraid but as it turns out he loved her as much as we did. When she cried he would run to get my daughter and cry until she picked her up. She rode him, played with him, and slept next to her bed every night until he died at age 14. My son had a 2 year old male pit. His brother and his wife and children came to visit. They realized the 2 year old boy and DOG were missing. They went into the kitchen and they were both eating dog food out of the bowl together. He later gave their one year old daughter a a ride on his back.
You never know what any dog will do. They all have the potential to hurt children, adults, and other animals. The key is to watch and pay close attention to your dogs (whatever the breed). Never leave a child and a dog alone together and never leave dogs alone together.
You never know what any dog will do. They all have the potential to hurt children, adults, and other animals. The key is to watch and pay close attention to your dogs (whatever the breed). Never leave a child and a dog alone together and never leave dogs alone together.
The breed should not be banned. In my personal opinion, this breed is like any other dog breed out there, I'm sure people use them in fighting rings and people make them mean, witch has gotten them a bad reputation. But its all about the way they are raised. If you raise them from a puppy and train them well, they will be the perfect dog ever. They are very intelligent dogs, people just under estimate them. Ive had a pitbull for nine years and ive raised her from a pup, shes been around kids all her life, and has never once showed signs of agresson. So you know what, people who think these dogs are horrible and should be banned, look at how many other dog breeds have attacked people. I'm pretty sure shepards and labs are just as bad. Again. ITS ALL ABOUT HOW YOU RAISE THEM TO BE!. As I said they were very intelligent and good with familys. My dog can learn a new trick in minutes. And she is the best!. I'm 15 years old and my dog has been raised around kids her whole life, she is fine around them. And when someone walks in the door she gives a friendly howl and wont stop this playful howl until you pet her. I don't under stand why people are so scared of them, they are the sweetest and most loving dog breed ive ever had. And here, I will compare her with some other dogs ive had. Ive had a lab mix, it was agressive, and bite me. I had a irish wolfhound again. It had aggression and bite me. Ive had a begel.. Again.... Agressive,ive also had a germanshepard and it bit my mom and was agressive. And I got a pitbull... Most loving and caring, they acculay feel emotions and have emotions, so I would vote them the best dog breed ever! Along with the golden retrevier, they also have attacked people before. So look everyone.... ALL DOGS CAN BE AGRESSIVE, ITS NOT JUST THE PITBULL!. Also, they love attention, so the more the better. Also again back to the intelligent part, they have very good memories never forget how you have treated them, so if you have mistreated them, I'm sure they feel you might do it again and are only using self defence. I'm pretty sure if someone had just beat you up and they come around the next day saying heyyyy, I'm sure you will be scared and start to defend yourself. These dogs are humans, only in a dogs body, so treat them how you would want to be treated. And do not unter estimate there feelings, there brains and there big loving open hearts!!!. P.s. My dog very good in public, I sometimes don't evan walk her on a leash, because she that well trained that she never leaves my side, evan when another dog or cat is near by. Mostly everyone stops she pet her and she takes in all of the attention she gets.
Pit bulls along with any other breed can be the friend list dog, but they also like any other breed can be very vicious and hostile. My father is a police officer and the only breed of dog he has gotten attacked and bitten by while on duty was a golden retriever- which are commonly known as very friendly dogs. So it depends very much on the genes of the dog, and the raising up of it.
I feel it how you trained your dog, if you have had the dog since it was a pup and was growing around kid and the dog knows the kids well it should not be a problem, just keep a close eye on the dog when it's around strange people, you can teach a dog to be around kids, but like I said just treat the dog nice and watch it. I feel all dogs are vicious it's just the treatment it get that makes the dog. All dogs could attack at one time or another if it's not treated well.
I say that pit bulls are only vicious from their backgrounds for example the dog's past owner mistreated it and therefore leading the dog to become defensive and insecure when in contact with other human beings. I think a pit bull would be a lovely household pet only if you give it the love and care it deserves.
I am a proud owner of a female pit named Ginger that I have had for almost two years. She has a great disposition around children. She has been raised with my 12 year old and my 4 grandchildren. If you come in my home she will stand on her hind legs and hug you then kiss you even if you are a stranger before she would bite. These dogs have been given a bad rap and it is not fair. I have heard about other dogs that attack from poodles on up. All these pits want is to be loved like any other domestic animal. Mine is gentle and a wonderful lap dog. Just give them a chance. They will be your best friend.
My pitbull has been around my grand kids since she was two months old. Last year she had her first litter and shortly after two weeks my grandchildren came to visit and my dog let them pet her right near her puppies. My pitbull lets my grandchildren play with her and loves to have them lay down next to her. It depends how you raise your dog and the good experiences brought to her.
Depends on the temperament of the dog but you should never leave a child alone with (any) dog but yes my 2 pitbulls are great with my children.just give them some home training make sure they have some obedience to them like sitting laying come when called these will help with any problems
Pitbulls can be the sweetest dogs. They were bred as fighting dogs, so be careful wit rescues, and with proper training they can be amazing family pets. Pits get a very bad reputation because they are often used for fighting, and if they aren't trained right they can become aggressive. If your going to get a pit be sure you train it young and you have a friend for life.
Pit bulls are extremely good pets. I have 4 and they are all excellent family dogs. They are great with kids and other dogs. The reason everyone thinks they are vicious is because the media portrays them that way, but a lot of it is blown out of proportion. If you get a pit bull and give it love, it will grow up sweet. If you get a puppy and abuse it, it will grow up fearful and mean. That's the same with any breed. Pit Bulls were just frequently used as fighters because they are strong and people exploited that. I fully recommend them as a fantastic family pet.
What I think about pits is that they are the most loving dogs in the world. I have a pit and she is the MOST loving and loyal dog ever. If you treat them with the right amount of love and discipline they will give you respect, love, and they will be loyal to you and your family. And thats my opinion.
You have to be VERY careful with pitbulls they can get aggressive it depends on how old the kids are with younger kids I would prolly not get one but with older kids I prolly would but get one as a puppy so it gets prone to the family
Hope this helps!!
Hope this helps!!
I have a 6 month old brindle colored female pitt bull and she loves kids. She plays in the sand box with my 20 month old son and plays with my 2 6 year old nephiews and my 4 year old nephiew they are great pets just depending on how they are raised.
Its how you raise your dog any dog can be vicious
Yes only if you train it to be good
Yes it depends on they way they are brought up.
My Pit loves every person and every dog. #Truedat #CPACastro
I'll put my life on it.
I have a red nose,green eyed,nrown and white pit
Pretty much what cassie123 said, it depends on how you raise the dog treat it or if you get any sort of training for it.
Pit-bulls can be great with kids it just depends on how you raise them I have 2 pits and they are great with my 6 month old baby girl
If you treat them the right way. And if you want to be extra safe get it from a non aggressive bloodline
Its all how you raise them!!! I have the sweetest pitbull in the world!!! She is like my kids and has never shown ANY signs of aggression AT ALL!!!!
There is a pit bull that attacks me and my dogs on my street but I think if you get them as a puppy you can train them to be less aggressive
I have 2 female pits. One is full American pit. She is the most loving animal, the only thing I have as a problem around kids, is her excitement and her tail is a rock and that is it... It is all in how you raise your pet pit.
Its all about how you raise them just like any other animal. If you have kids I would start with the pit as a pup up.
I have a pit bull .....hes great I love him ..n he interacts lovely with everyone in the house ..n even strangers while I'm walking him
I happen to be dog-sitting for my sister's pit bull right now. She's such a sweet animal and the biggest coward I've ever seen. My sister has kids, and they've grown up with the dog.
Any dog can be trained to be vicious, just as any dog can be trained to be friendly and loving. Some people just go out and get a dog without doing any research about different breeds. They don't bother to find out if the animal is right for their situation. It looks as if the consensus here is that they are good dogs to have around if they are raised, trained and treated properly.
Any dog can be trained to be vicious, just as any dog can be trained to be friendly and loving. Some people just go out and get a dog without doing any research about different breeds. They don't bother to find out if the animal is right for their situation. It looks as if the consensus here is that they are good dogs to have around if they are raised, trained and treated properly.
Pit bulls can be good with kids if they are loved and raised with kids with love if they are taught to be mean then that is all they are going to know if you raise them around kids from a early age on up then yes they will be loving to kids like any other dog but a pit bull is a protector they protect theres and they may be good with your kids but then you have to watch them around kids that you don't know
I think that all people who say pitbulls are vicious are all a-holes I have three of them and they get along great with my 5 kids.Its the way that people bring them up that give them the bad name!It has also been proven for example that one of the meanest dogs around is the dalmation,its called rage syndrome,there brain grows bigger than what the skull can hold.So as far as the pitbull is concerned well all of mine make great protectors of my children as well as great companions.Look at Mike Vick and what he did,all them innocent dogs got killed over money and pure stupidity!!!!!!
Any pitbull will have fighting instincts know matter what. I had a red nosed and he was good because we got him when he was weeks old and we had a 6 year old daughter. He was good with the family but are other dogs and cats were always being torn up and killed till finally he had to be put down .So I would say no either way a rottweiler is probably a much better choice.
Pitbulls are great dogs but they can get mean if you don't treat them rite ,they have a bad temper...and they can also get mad easily...have fun!!!
Hi there,
Here in the UK the Pitbull terrier is actually banned after a series of fatal attacks in in the 90's during which several dogs without warning set upon family members (in particular young children). Just over the new year a five year old girl was mauled to death at her grandparents by I believe it was her step father's pitbull. They have a nasty habit or grabbing their victim by the throat and locking on in a death grip without warning quite unlike most other dogs who will bark and warn of an imminent attack. They have been bread over the years to be fighting dogs and as a result they inevitably process certain genetic traits which mean this dog whilst having the potential for great affection should never be trusted 100% and certainly never be left with children.
In the right hands, and by this I mean an experienced handler with no children who is responsible when taking his dog out in public then maybe there is a place for these dogs - they certainly can look very handsome - and at the end of the day it is not their fault we have bred them to be as they are. However they should never be bought in my opinion as a status symbol or as a family pet as the possible consequenses do not bare thinking about.
Here in the UK the Pitbull terrier is actually banned after a series of fatal attacks in in the 90's during which several dogs without warning set upon family members (in particular young children). Just over the new year a five year old girl was mauled to death at her grandparents by I believe it was her step father's pitbull. They have a nasty habit or grabbing their victim by the throat and locking on in a death grip without warning quite unlike most other dogs who will bark and warn of an imminent attack. They have been bread over the years to be fighting dogs and as a result they inevitably process certain genetic traits which mean this dog whilst having the potential for great affection should never be trusted 100% and certainly never be left with children.
In the right hands, and by this I mean an experienced handler with no children who is responsible when taking his dog out in public then maybe there is a place for these dogs - they certainly can look very handsome - and at the end of the day it is not their fault we have bred them to be as they are. However they should never be bought in my opinion as a status symbol or as a family pet as the possible consequenses do not bare thinking about.
The first priority has to be the children of the family. When there are so many breeds to choose from that were not bred to be fighters, why choose one that was?
Having said that, there will be exceptionally "nice" ones in all breeds, just as there will be the occasional "rogue". All you can due is skew the odds in your favour by researching the typical characteristics of a breed and choosing one that suits you.
Having said that, there will be exceptionally "nice" ones in all breeds, just as there will be the occasional "rogue". All you can due is skew the odds in your favour by researching the typical characteristics of a breed and choosing one that suits you.
I have heard of one too many attacks. Not a good family pet, not the best choice. It's not good around kids. Their are better family dogs out there.
All pit bulls and anything related to a pitbull should be put to sleep, they are very dangerous dogs, it is not there fault that is how they have been bread for many years. But because they are that way, they are way to dangerous and it has been proven over and over again after they have repeatedly ripped children and other dogs apart.
Hi there, no a pitbull is not a family dog! You wackos say "oh no its just the owner" well sorry to burst your bubble but you shouldn't be suprised when your family pitbulls eats your children! If you are reading this right now do not get a pitbull!! There are dangourus beasts. In 2009 there was over 300 pitbull attacks and 289 were fatal. I used to think it was just the owner, but I was wrong! Look it up and see for yourself.
NO!!!I would not recommend a pit bull, they are very aggressive dogs.
A lot depends on the background, parents, and especially the training the dog receives. Having said this. I would never take a chance on having a pit bull around MY Child. I have heard and seen so many stories about pitbulls who were gentle as a lamb, had been around children all their life, and suddenly go off and kills a child, or severely damages him/her.

My grandson loves pit bulls but NEVER would I allow one to be around adults in my family let alone around little kids. I don't care if they are from a 'good breed of stock' or not. They scare me to pieces.
From rumors I have heard, pit bulls are aggressive animals, and I would not recommend one, especially if there are kids around..