Just happened across this thread but could not pass up the opportunity to mention my pit bull/ husky mix that is the coolest looking dog ever. The mother was a grey black and white husky and the dad we are not sure of the color. He was the cutest little bugger with tan over a white belly and paws. We named him Diego after the Saber tooth in Ice Age. His ears are currently pointed and stand up like a husky but have changed over the past year and a half as he grew from laid back to pointed up with the tips flopped over until now. Diego has the stance and size (at 55 lbs full grown) with the curled over tail that points to the center of his back like a husky. His hair is short and soft and he has the snout of the husky. His mouth is all business with long canine teeth and a very long tongue. He has a red nose like a pit and the squared head excluding the snout. Diego has one green eye and one blue eye. His ears perk up when he is alert and when he is calm with his head back, the ears are laid back and he really looks like a pit with those big teeth. Barking is rare, it is more of a "woof". When neighborhood dogs howl he goes right along with them like a wolf. He loves playing in the rain and will fall asleep when you give him a bath. Personality wise he is good with people and other dogs and will jump fences to escape and be with them. Diego has a personal vendetta with fences, he digs under them, chew through them, and breaks fence boards. One day, he broke through our fence into the neighbors yard and then through the neighbor's fence on the far side which had a tall privacy fence and so he decided to chew through the gate to get out. He digs holes all over, around trees and along the house and around the storage shed. Diego will dig up rocks and unearth 10 lb landscaping stones. He has chewed small trees to a foot off the ground and dug up cactus. Stuffed animals last about 15 minutes until he tears the head off and pulls all the stuffing out a bite at a time. We have given him real bones from the butcher and large rawhide rolls and he goes through them in minutes. Diego loves corn cobs and rice. Diego will chew wood and completely chewed a wall off his dog house in one day and the floor on another day. It took longer, about 2 months, but he chewed through a small braided steel cable to tie him outside. He has energy to spare and takes off on his walks like he is pulling a sled. I can control him. I have trained him to stop when I stop, cross the street on my command, and to sit and stay. My kids and wife will not "walk" him. They have nicknamed him "The Destroyer" but to me he is a big baby. The vet suggested neutering him which helped some but everyone says he is just being a teenager. Time will tell...
I am the owner of a American Brindle Pit bull Siberian Husky mix. As a puppy she looked all husky. She is light tan and white with the piercing blue eyes. As she is shedding her first winter coat, the brindle is shinning through. She is a very beautiful dog, but if you are thinking about owning a mix of these 2 breeds, please read up on both. They are very hyper active dogs. The pit in her is very loyal,obedient, and territorial. The husky in her is mischievous with a lot of pent up energy. Make sure you have room for them to run. We are unable to keep her in the yard, because of the fact that both breeds are expert climbers. We have crate trained her, but find ourselves unable to leave her roaming the house unsupervised.
Well my pit bull husky is beautyfull she has blue eyes and the beautyfull of a husky but shes got the face of a pit and beautyfull big paws and shes about 9 months old and she loves to play and shes beautyfull good and scaring up birds to
My dog is Pit/Husky, she looks almost entirely like a full red-nose pit but has the bluest eyes you'll ever see. After really looking into it she doesn't have nearly the square to her head that traditional pits do. It's got more length like the husky. She rarely barks (which we all know doesn't always follow the breed) but he is VERY muscular. At just over a year old she's close to 50 lbs and I was told she was the runt in the litter.
My pitbull/husky mix is adorable-of course to me! The mom was a black and white pit, and dad a black and white husky. My pup is brown with white markings, short haired, resembles the pitbull look more, big pointy dingo ears, 50 pounds, playful! And very talkative, he doesnt really bark per say-as huskys howl, not so much bark. He is very fit and lean, full of muscle but a petite dog. Loves to run miles and miles and you can't get him out of the water, he is an awesome swimmer. He'll stay in the river, swimming-not coming back to land for 45 minutes.
He loves to be around people and hates to be alone. Tends to chew things up like he gets bored when we leave him alone. Very loving. Completely agree with the first poster. Never seen him act aggressive whatsoever. Really hates bath time though!
A puppy:
a year or so
A puppy:

a year or so

I really don't remember, but he's 2 years old now and weighs 94 pounds! And He's not fat either, just muscular and very large. He still looks just like the pictures!!
I have a pitbull husky mix his name is brownie he is brownish with lighter brown highlights on his neck he is six months but he is highly aggresive towards anyone overall he is a good dog niggas