This is actually quite normal. Your other hamster probably died and the other found it and in an attempt to keep his/her environment clean they started eating the dead hamster. I actually had this happen recently as well. My dwarf hamsters were from the same litter and had lived together for a year and a half and then when toki died I found her half eatten. It is rather disturbing but it is also just a part of rodent mentality. Your other hamster probably shouldn't be put with another hamster but if you decided to try to socialize it again make sure to keep an extra close eye on the two. Your hamster may prove to be more vicious. Then again hamsters are rather independent, and especially if they are dwarfs it may not be worth it to try and put another in the cage with her. But she shouldn't get sick, mine didn't, other than a little weight loss at first. If you do notice weight loss try giving your hamster some baby foods like sweet potatoes or mixed grain instant oatmeal for babies. It'll be easy to eat and help pull up her metabolism and appetite again. Hope this was helpful!
My Hamster Just Ate The Other One, Is This Going To Make Him Ill? Will He Now Change In Behavior Towards Us Or Be Aggressive?
Oh my god this happened to my hamsters I know its creepy but I get it know they were trying to keep their are clean...the thing is I had 3 hamsters living together one of them had his/her eye closed and eventually die I but when I checked them out yesterday I found that the other two hamsters ate it I do not know what to do I guess I'll try to keep them separate sorry didn't answer but is kinda related it sucks man!
I realize I'm coming to this post a little late, but thank you all so much for your input. Today my 12 y/o son let out a horrible "Mommy come up here!!" cry/yell from his bedroom. I arrived to find one of his Chinese Dwarf hamsters half buried under the bedding, with a bloody leg sticking out. I immediately removed the live hamster, and having the foresight that this wasn't going to be a pretty scene, I took the cage downstairs to investigate. Diamond had eaten Crystal's entire stomach out. It was one of the most disgusting things I had ever seen in my life. I believe these hamsters were from the same litter. We bought them out of the same cage at the pet shop. Oddly, they're only about a month old, but I had tried to discourage my son from getting Crystal that particular day, as something just didn't seem right with her, and I thought maybe she wasn't well. It seems my intuition was correct. I was hoping that Diamond didn't kill her sister, but rather Crystal had just died and Diamond had instinctively fed on her. Thanks to the previous posts, I can not only rest easy in my thoughts, but I also know what behavior to look for now in Diamond, and what to do if problems should arise. Thank you all.
Its fine to keep hamsters together, as long as they were put together from babies. I did have two hamsters. I've just found the skeleton of one hamster- it obviously died and the other ate it. As said above, it is natural for hamsters to keep their living area clean, so really he was just cleaning up, not being a cannibal and eating his brother. My hamster seems just the same though, apart from having red feet from the blood of his brother :(
I think that is the creepiest thing I have ever heard!!!!! It's cannibalism! That's disgusting! My hamster died of some sort of hamster heart-attack and I was trying to find out if that was common and it brought me here! I am reall creeped out! I'm going to have nightmares now!
Syrians are naturally aggressive but you may not be feeding your hamster so it gos for the kill your hamster will not become sick
My hampsters were from the same litter and brain atr pinky... It was disgusting and the ewe part is that I don't even think pinky was dead before brain ate him :(
Well there are rumors that when an animal tastes raw meat it becomes carnivorous but do remember that those animals that turn carnivorous eat human flesh which turns them into maneaters! Your hamster ate another hamster which is very disturbing and surprising. But I don't see him posing a threat to you and your family. But this time keep him away from other pets!
I found my dwarf hamster acting strangley by sleeping outside of her little house. I thought the pair of them had probably made it dirty so went to clean the cage....I found the skeleton of my hamster Saska! Snow white had eaten her head and all her flesh! This happened today and I feel so sick and angry at my hamster. So sad too..:(
Well it probably carnivorous now but maybe not anyways just keep it away from other pets. Just remember don't put hamsters together unless they can be! Gerbils can have pairs if their females males they can be in groups...So sorry about that other guy:(