
Can A Hamster Eat Peanut Butter?


17 Answers

Bill Burns Profile
Bill Burns answered
Hamsters can eat peanut butter, but read the label. For the tiny amount of food that they eat per day, there would be way too much sugar in peanut butter and it would end up replacing more nutritious portions of their diet.  The healthy peanut oil may be good for the hamster but look into adding healthy oils to their dried snack as a supplement if needed.

Anyway, hamsters can consume peanut butter once in a while as a treat.  Be sure that you give them a very small amount and that it is easy for them to swallow.  You hamster will be healthier if you stick to a true diet for hamsters.  Now, do not read that hamsters need to eat nuts and then assume that just giving it peanuts will be ok.  They need a specific variety, like something found in a pet store.  Look around for hamster lovers who post this information.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It is ok just give it a amount smaller than the pinkey nail my hamster griffen LOVES is
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes they can eat peanut butter, but in small amounts. My little hamster loves it.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes,hamsters love peanut butter . My hamster snowy would go crazy over peanut butter.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A hamster can eat peanut butter but feed it a little first because peanut butter can cause some hamsters to choke!!!   Hope that helps, Gumball200
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

My hamster always tries to steal my peanut butter sandwiches when hes running around on my desk (I made it hamster proof:)) so I give a little bit with some bread and hes always fine :) But don't give your hamster too much because its quite sweet.

yorn mischief Profile
yorn mischief answered
One of my hammies rolled around in the peanut butter, then my other hamster cannabalized it by accident.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm not sure if it can I just got 2 for christmas and we always buy them store bought food and I just wondering if it really can cause a hamster to die  or if its ok for them to eat it???

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