
Which Is Better A Golden Hamster.teddy Bear Hamster.or Robo Dwarf Hamster?


21 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A dwarf hamster can become very mean if you do not spend a LOT of time with it. If you want more than one hamster dwarf hamsters are the only type of hamster that do not eat one another, but, if if you want one loving hamster I recomen either a golden hamster or a teddybear hamster but I would actualy go with a panda bear hamster.

If you do get a hamster there are a few things you should look for:
*number one, make sure that they don't have watery ears, noses, or wet behind, those are signs of an unhealthy hamster and a doctor bill for these animals can be a very big amount of money.
*number two, if you do not want to be cleaning your hamsters cage more than once a week, which is the recomended amount of time per week, you will want a female hamster because males tend to stink because of there scent glands.
*number three, make sure you are actualy able to take care of an animal if you do not think you can afoord an animal do not get one you might end up neglecting it and that would not be good for you or an animal.

All and all make sure you get the perfect hamster, do NOT settle for one and you will be unhappy and the reason for getting a hamster or any pet is for some people to make yourself happy, and make sure you are is the right position to care for a hamster if you are enjoy you new hamster
Emma oloughlin Profile
Emma oloughlin answered
Teddy bear hamster I have both breeds you can't really hold dwarfs they are too quick get a teddy.
But robos do not bite!!!!
Rebecca Davis Profile
Rebecca Davis answered
A goldon hamster. A dwarf hamster are faster out of the other 2 from it's small size, and better jumpers, and when they escpase it's hard getting them back in the cage. My friend use 2 have one, and founded it too hard looking after it. So she sold it...As for the teddy hamster have not held much of, so that why I think Godon hamster :)...They are the best, I use to have one. Good luck finding the right one....
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A Dwarf hamster is better because they live longer and they mostly take care of them selves.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I like teddy bear hamsters better. They're easier to handle, fluffy, and friendly. Robos are a little too fast and hyper for me. They can also be mean.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Dwarf hamsters bite way too much and runs everywhere. Get a teddy bear hamster. Teddy bear hamsters are so cute.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I had Teddy-bear once and she was well then died...Now I have another :( She is nippy...Try to pet her she will bite hard...Everyone says Robo dwarf are least nippy, and if they bite it most likely not to hurt/bleed

Hope this helpz,Briget
thanked the writer.
Nkki Pond
Nkki Pond commented
They say the female robos bite alot. I recommend they male. I have one he barly bites but when he does I can barly feel it! He is loving and loves to go in his hamster ball and also loves to rest on my hand (of course)
jane norman Profile
jane norman answered
I have had a few hamsters.Larger ones as in syrian,etc are better if you want to get them out and hold them.Robos are small and very fast moving and are better ones if you want to give them large cage with tubes etc,they are also very funny to watch at times.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have a dwarf but I want a teddy also because they seem more loving and easier to handle I love my dwarf shes so sweet
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I say a golden teddy bear hamster because they are so cute and I have a male and a female
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A golden hamster is the best be-because teddy bear hamsters are mean when there older and robo hamsters always get away.(trust me I have had 3 hamsters)!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Golden hamsters are the cutest but if you are breeding them I would get a dwarf because the others tend to eat each other.
georgie kimber Profile
georgie kimber answered
Golden hamster or a robo dwarf, I have 1 golden and 2 robo dwarfs, and are really good!I'm also breeding my robo, if you want any baby robo's please email me,  my profile supplies ALL the information!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you are prepared for a super ouick hamster that you have to grab to pick up get a robo I have one and she is nuts but its because she is a baby
yorn mischief Profile
yorn mischief answered
Siberian wolf hamsters are rare but exotic looking. Besides their retractable fangs, their harmless! Just don't excite them or else youll be stiching your hand back together with a first aid kid, slipping in your own pool of blood on the floor. Trust me, ive been there..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Do you want to cuddle with your pet?  Or do you want a hamster as a pet merely to observe? Golden and Teddy bear hamsters are both the same species: Mesocricetus auratus.  They are cuddly.  A robo is cute, but very fast. They are also better kept in groups. Get these if you are content with watching them interact with one another.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A teddy bear hamster is my absolute fave! They are mostly sweet once they know you and they are easy to keep track of!Mine used to sleep with me because he never ran away!He was like a literal TEDDY BEAR!Dwarf hamsters are super small super fast and if they get out good luck getting it back!!!Plus dwarf and golden hamsters sleep way longer during the day than a teddy bear hamster.
Savannah Steele Profile
Savannah Steele answered
Robos tend to not be as playful, and a golden hamster is fine!!! Willy (mine) was perfect!!!!! If your allergic to hamster hair, don't get a teddy. I am, and I couldnt get near my friends hamster!!!

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