Can Someone Tell Me How I Can Stop My Dog From Peeing In Her Cage?


7 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I can't believe all of these answers scolding you for caging your dog. Why do they assume you are caging your dog as a form of neglect. Hello people, are you supposed to quit your job if you own a dog? Maybe the question is that she/he has a puppy and the puppy pees in the cage when she/he is to work. Is it possible all that answered live off the system and stay home so the dogs are free all day and evening! Ha GET A JOB!!
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
Are you sure that she is peeing? Do you have a bowl of water in the cage? If so, she may be spilling just the water. How much time is the pup spending in the cage, it isn't healthy for her to be in there all the time, and if she is spending a lot of time in there, then it could be stress that is making her do this. Hope this helps, good luck.
thanked the writer.
Victoria Mora
Victoria Mora commented
How long is to long for a dog to be in its cage?
Jacquelyn Mathis
Jacquelyn Mathis commented
Well, I would say that if she is spending hours in there, then that isn't a good idea, they aren't getting socialized, and will become timid and standoffish, to the point that they might start biting the hand that feeds it. If you are going to keep the dog in a kennel, it should be for short periods of time, like airline travel, or road travel if you prefer, but they aren't going to behave for you if you cage them up.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
How old is your dog. If it is just a puppy then take it outside before you put it into the cage. The cage may also be too big for the dog. Most dogs will not pee in the cage if it feels like their bed.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Are you sure it's pee? If it is, this is what I would do: Make sure her crate isn't too big for her. She should be able to stand up completely and turn around easily, but it shouldn't be any bigger than that. Dogs don't usually like laying in their own pee, so it could either be from stress or her crate being to big. Also, make sure she likes her crate. Put some treats in it and make sure it's comfortable with padding so that going in her crate is a good thing. If she is in there a lot, the peeing could be a cause of stress.
John Profile
John answered
Stop putting her in a cage. It's pretty simple. No cage no peeing in the cage. For example let's put you on a plane and tell you after we have taken off that you can not go to the bathroom the whole trip. but you have to go, what would you do? Doh! Your dog probably knows exactly what you are doing and anticipates going into the cage and is not able to pee when you want it to. You have basically programmed the dog to do this. Why do you think they have to clean the cages at the pet stores/kennels for?
samual answers Profile
samual answers answered
I agree with nomad1. I am a dog lover and never has any of my animals been caged. Nor have I followed the stupid vets feeding practices and none of my dogs have been overweight. Dogs can only be expected to hold it in for so long. Its worse for young dogs. My dogs are free to rome the house when I'm not home. I let them out in the morning, they do their business and when I get home they run around unleashed until it gets dark. If one of them needs to go out they scratch,whine or bark at the door. Owning a dog means taking the time to train. My dogs get reated the same as my kids bexause they are my kids. Don't mean to sound harsh but people who cage their animals shouldn't have them. They are not things you put away until you feel like playing with them. Could be separation anxiety which again means training. Have there been times when my dogs peed on the floor,yes... But I didn't get angry as it was my fault because I didn't let them out in time for whatever the delay was getting home.I am sure they held it in as long as they could. Have someone come over and let them out at lunch time. Its not the dogs fault. Animals typically don't defecate were they sleep unless there is no choice.
thanked the writer.
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Anonymous commented
Some dogs dont understand that outside means pee no matter how many times you take them. There is no harm in putting your dog in the cage at night, We do it too. So Septic. If one of your kids knew how to pee on the potty but decided to pee elsewhere instead you wouldnt be upset get real. Dogs are smart and can learn like children that certain behaviors are unacceptable. There are dogs that are dirty, not that your is, that will pee where they sleep and its hard to get them to change. Try a smaller inviting cage and letting her out bf bed. I know its hard we struggle with the same issue and cant have our dog peeing on the carpet just to let her be out all night.
Anonymous commented
I love our dog, but she needs to learn that peeing isnt acceptable. It's a trying process. Also try picking up her water after suppertime until she learns bladder control. This is not do it with kids when potty training. As long as they get ample fluid during the day, they will be fine over night. Good luck!!
samual answers
samual answers commented
Yes i did read your question correctly and and i will always feel that caging a pet is lazyness. Do you cage your children when they pee or poop on the floor as they are learning? As to the orther comment that dogs are dirty, if your animal is allowed to be dirty then the owner is dirty.there is a reason why its peeing in its cage. Its your job to take the TIME to find out why. Set up a video camera to see how she acts when you leave the house. Cages were invented for safe transportation only.

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