What Is A Pudu?


4 Answers

Jennifer Bone Profile
Jennifer Bone answered
Pudu are a rare type of deer that are native to South America and are found in Argentina and Chile.  There are two species of pudu: The Northern Pudu, and the slightly larger Southern Pudu.  Pudu are the smallest known members of the deer family, and the Northern Pudu stands only 32 cms (one foot) tall.  Sadly these endearing creatures are listed as threatened due to habitat depletion and hunting.

Pudu belong to the genus pudu meaning that, unusually, these animals share their common name with their genus name.  The Southern Pudu is technically Pudu pudu and the Northern Pudu is Pudu mephistophiles.  The two species look very similar.  They both have shiny reddish brown coats that have white spots when they are young.  Pudu are muscular creatures that are built for jumping, just like their larger relatives.  They have short stub-like tails and alert, upright convex ears.

It is not only their size that makes the pudu unique amongst deer.  Their vocalization is a sharp bark that they use to raise alarm.  Pudu can stand on their hind legs to reach food that would otherwise be inaccessible.  And, perhaps most surprisingly, pudu can climb trees to avoid a predator or in pursuit of food.  The pudu will eat mainly grass, leaves, and fallen fruit.  They live to approximately 8 – 10 years of age, breeding in the autumn, and producing litters of twins in the early months of spring.  These creatures will establish complex networks of trails and paths through thick underbrush that allows them to travel without being seen throughout their natural range.

Sadly, the pudu may have to rely on zoological parks and conservationists to survive.  Logging and farming in their natural environment is making survival difficult for these animals.  Pudu are also a source of meat, which means hunting is also depleting their already unstable numbers in some regions.

◄Picture of the endangered southern pudú
The pudú lives on a diet of grass, leaves, and fallen fruit. In the wild, their life expectancy is between eight and ten years. The Southern species is endangered, primarily due to hunting and habitat loss from human agriculture and land development.
The pudú has several interesting characteristics that distinguish it from other deer. It is able to climb fallen trees, and it is sometimes forced to do so, both to escape predators and reach food. Because of its small size, it is often forced to balance on its hind legs to reach foliage. When threatened, it barks in alarm.
Because it lives in the dense forests of South America, it requires an efficient way to travel throughout the undergrowth. Pudú maintain a complex system of paths and trails that allow them to quickly get from one place to another. Such paths often lead to excellent places to rest or find food.
It mates April to June, its gestation takes 200 to 220 days, and one (occasionally two) fawns are born.
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
Considered to be the worlds smallest deer, coming from South America. The Northern Pudu coming from Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. The Southern Chilean Pudu coming from Chile and southwestern Argentina. The northern Pudu usually stand about 12-14 inches, and the southern about 14-16 inches. Their diet usually consists of grass, leaves and fruit that has fallen. Their lifespan is about 8 to 10 years, and the southern Pudu is endangered due to hunting.
Charming Gurl Profile
Charming Gurl answered
The pudú (Pudu spp.), considered to be the world's smallest deer, is a native of Argentina and Chile in South America.

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