Bring dog to vet now. He may have contracted lyme disease and vet can draw his blood and check to see if it is positive. The sooner he is diagnosed the better it is for the dog. He will probably be put on an antibiotic and steroid for at least a month and that should keep the symptoms of the disease to a minimal if caught early.
It sounds like it may be infected, so yes you need to go to the vet as ticks carry diseases which are harmful. For future reference, if the dog gets another tick don't pull it out, wipe it all over with Vaseline. This suffocates the tick and it will fall out on its own.
If the head is still intacted to the dog and it is red you may need to take him to his vet and get him checked out just to be on the safe side but I would just watch him and the spot first I believe it will be ok but its your call.
From now on take a match, lite it, blow it out and stick hot match head on up end of tick, this will cause him to 'let go' make sure you have hold of tick while doing this, then kill tick or take it in plastic bag to veterinarian, so he can determine type. For now, put triple antibiotic ointment on and around red area, or see a vet.

The old way is to cover the tick in Vaseline or light a match let it burn for second blow it out and immediately touch it to the ticks body use tweezers to pull the tick off. If you are worried take the dog to a vet.
Well you need to get it off but you have to be careful doing that to make sure you get the head grab it as close to the dogs skin as possible and the pull it off lewt the dog smell of it so he /she will know that your not trying to hurt it and them if its big enough pop it if not burn it with a lighter good luck have any more ? Feel free to contact me
The lighted match thing works good, if you hit the tick as soon as you blow out the match. The tick will release the dog, have a pair of tweezers handy if the tick does not fall off, then you must remove it as ladysmom, and nomad1 have said as close to the skin as possible in case the tick grabs hold again. Then burn the tick if possible, to make sure it is dead.

Look for the moving legs and cut it, burn it and pull out the fangs that remain!!! More than eight legs call a vet.
My dog has a small swelling under the skin and what looks like a tick, we have tried pinching it off.