What Is Best Way To Treat Tick Fever In A Dog?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well after I found out what my dog had I ran to take him to the vets
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Your dog needs to be examined by a veterinarian.  There are many things that can cause fever of unknown origin.  Blood tests will be run to screen for tick borne diseases.  Tick titers can be used to assess if exposure occurred and active infection is present.  The treatment if the problem is tick borne disease is a medication called Doxycycline or another tetracycline-like antibiotic.  Blood work needs to be run as well to assess your dog's cell counts and platelets.  Tick disease can attack these cells too.  Tick preventative needs to be initiated.  If tick infestation is severe you will need to treat your yard and dog's environment.  Most of these diseases can be transmitted to people (through ticks not your dog) so if you have been exposed to ticks contact your physician.
Contact your veterinarian for more information.

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