This sounds very serious. Your dog is showing all the signs of having infectious canine hepatitis. If he has it, other symptoms are vomiting and diarrhea, he will refuse to eat. Their stomachs look tucked up because of the pain from liver swelling. Their eyes tear because they are sensitive to light. Other symptoms are tonsillitis, laryngitis, pale gums, tongue, and nose, swollen lymph nodes, and yellowing of the whites of the eyes. Your dog needs immediate veterinary treatment and he will likely be hospitalised. It has become fatal if you dog has blood in his vomit, poop, nose bleeds, bleeding gums, swollen tummy. The swollen tummy is fluid leaking from the damaged liver. If it has gone this far, without treatment dogs can die within a week from this. Your dog sounds very poorly, please get to a vet ASAP!!!!
Thank you for your responses. Although I took her to a vet, we didn't end up doing a normal regiment of iv and all. We actually were trying to decide if we needed to put her to sleep as she couldn't even get up by herself and we were carrying her in and out of the house to go to the bathroom. She threw up every time she ate, but if she found a small morsel of food on the floor, she was ok. So, I started cooking a small chicken tender (From Cosco) and fed her small amounts of food, several times a day. She started regaining her strength. Then we added in a half of PB and J and today she is doing really well. All the symptoms went away...
Sounds like mal-nutrition, just be smart and take your dog to the vet.
Yellow eyes usually sign of problem with liver.... Get with your vet
I had a english springer spanial years ago years about 20 years now , that had hepititus, what your describing , sounds a lot like it, please go to a vet asap !