My 6 Years Old Chihuahua Is Lethargic, Has Labored Breathing, Loss Of Appetite, And Seems In Pain. What Could It Be?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi Alfei,

I have a 8 year old Chihuahua who does the same thing and I've taken her to the vet 3 times with no success to the problem. The vet told me she has a problem with her heart and it would cost about $1200 for the surgery with no guarantees. My Chihuahua is a tea cup which weights about 3lbs. Although, she has this problem it doesn't affect her eating or playing activities. Other than that she's ok. Hope this help you, because I think this problem happens to Chichuahua's.


Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
I know this is odd, but your pup has panic and anxiety, it is stressing over situations that is isn't comfortable with. You will need to find a pup doc that will be willing to take the time with to make is comfortable with. Hope this helps.

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